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本研究旨在探討: 正義國中的不同性別家長在參與學校教育事務時表現出那些行為特徵。深入探討男性與女性家長參與學校事務的經驗,目的在於了解不同性別家長參與學校事務之意涵及其異同。研究問題如下:
一、 了解男性及女性家長實際參與家庭教育、班級及學校教育事務的情形。
研究結果發現: 影響男性家長與女性家長參與學校事務的因素包含了「傳統的性別角色分工」、「家長成長的歷程」、「家長間之人際脈絡關係」、「職業聲望」、及「時間因素」等遍及文化、社會、學校氛圍與個人層面的諸多因素;這些因素對不同性別家長的參與行為產生重要影響,使得男性家長參與行為表現出若干種明顯的行為特徵,例如顛覆「傳統的父職角色」、「工作雖忙碌,時間許可願意參與」、「選擇性的參與」、「學校基層工作參與意願低落」以及為「獲取成就感」而參與;而女性家長參與行為亦表現出若干種明顯的行為特徵,例如以「家庭為優先、孩子第一」為原則、「參與由基層工作做起」、扮演「協助者、執行者的角色」、抱持著「默默行事、頭銜次之」的心態、「自我價值感提昇」以及參與「學校決策層級」比例提高。根據研究結論,研究者並對後續研究提供若干建議。
A study on parents of different sexes participating in school affairs—the example of a junior high school Abstract The purpose of this study was aimed at investigating the different behavior characteristics shown on the parents of both sexes in Zheng Yi Junior High School when participating school affairs. This thesis attempts to probe into the experiences of the parents’ participation in school affairs and further inquiry the significance and difference between the both sexes. The research questions are as follow 1.To understand the parents’ actual participation in family education, class and school affairs. 2.To realize the parents’ motives, methods, extent and range when participating. 3.To grasp the similarities and dissimilarities between their concerns about school affairs in terms of the sexual difference. 4.To learn about the association of parents’ participation and the management in their interpersonal relationship. Qualitative research was adopted in this study. In-depth interviews were the main source of the data represented and analyzed in it, together with some observations of the processes of the interviews and meetings in which those parents participated. According to the data, the researcher tried to find out a proper method that can be applied in the study depending on the motives of those parents of both sexes The result suggests that the factors which influence female and male parents include their “ traditional sexual roles,” “ growing background,” “ the social relationship among the parents, “career status” and “time.” Those factors have great effect upon the parents’ participation in school affairs. The male parents have certain significant behavior characteristics. For example, their traditional role as male parents was overthrown. They have a more passive attitude toward participating school affairs. The female parents show another kind of significant behavior features. They act as silent assistants whose belief is “family and children take precedence over anything.” The female parents have higher self-evaluation and they take the larger propotion in making school policy decisions.According to the conclusions,the researcher provides a number of recommendations for follow-up studies.
A study on parents of different sexes participating in school affairs—the example of a junior high school Abstract The purpose of this study was aimed at investigating the different behavior characteristics shown on the parents of both sexes in Zheng Yi Junior High School when participating school affairs. This thesis attempts to probe into the experiences of the parents’ participation in school affairs and further inquiry the significance and difference between the both sexes. The research questions are as follow 1.To understand the parents’ actual participation in family education, class and school affairs. 2.To realize the parents’ motives, methods, extent and range when participating. 3.To grasp the similarities and dissimilarities between their concerns about school affairs in terms of the sexual difference. 4.To learn about the association of parents’ participation and the management in their interpersonal relationship. Qualitative research was adopted in this study. In-depth interviews were the main source of the data represented and analyzed in it, together with some observations of the processes of the interviews and meetings in which those parents participated. According to the data, the researcher tried to find out a proper method that can be applied in the study depending on the motives of those parents of both sexes The result suggests that the factors which influence female and male parents include their “ traditional sexual roles,” “ growing background,” “ the social relationship among the parents, “career status” and “time.” Those factors have great effect upon the parents’ participation in school affairs. The male parents have certain significant behavior characteristics. For example, their traditional role as male parents was overthrown. They have a more passive attitude toward participating school affairs. The female parents show another kind of significant behavior features. They act as silent assistants whose belief is “family and children take precedence over anything.” The female parents have higher self-evaluation and they take the larger propotion in making school policy decisions.According to the conclusions,the researcher provides a number of recommendations for follow-up studies.
不同性別家長參與, 家長參與, 不同性別, parents of different sexes participating, parents’ participation, sexual difference