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中文摘要 本論文是以「失落的角落」為主題,亦即筆者尋找一般日常生活中常常被忽略的人、事、物來作為情感關切的呈現。創作方向是從生活環境中所發生的真實故事和場景去尋找題材。以現實角度來記錄人生的片段,帶有坦白又樸拙的表現手法,貼近了一般社會群眾同理心的想法,去探尋人與人以及人與社會的關係。其中主要想表現的是日常生活中與筆者本人常常接觸的生活階層影像,呈現另一種風格的寓意圖。從現代都會生活中尋找生活寓意,若是印象特別的深刻,即能與別人產生共鳴。另外,研究過程中加入許多從兒時懂事起,長輩有意無意的教導,無形中的環境教育造成的結果。因此變成了筆者畫裡面的風格,也就有了說教式的意味。 本次主題為筆者初次進行個人創作的研究。主題是回溯到過去的記憶,跟腦海裡的影像產生連結的心境,也就是筆者過去所生活經歷到特別有印象的場景和物件。針對於在城市環境生活中,下意識會去尋找的東西,也多半跟過去生活的記憶有關係。筆者把記憶的現象重新描寫,創作方向主要為日常生活,以一般常見的場景、街景、或物件,作為創作素材。期冀在快速變化的迷幻城市生活中,尋找真正寫實平凡的生命角落,來建構個人藝術形式。 關鍵字:日常生活、寓意畫、失落的角落
Abstract This research "The Corner of Losing" was chosen as the theme of studying the creations. The writer attempted to express social crowd state which were ignored in the daily life such as human being, things, or articles. The study starts from researching the true stories and scenes in the living environment. The realistic point of view pursued the episode of human life. Even the researching methods displayed frankly and awkwardly, they were toward the empathy of the social crowd to search the relationship between the people and the society. Mainly, the writer hoped to display the unique vision and metaphorical meaning through the brush - recording the image of the writer’s familiar life and social classes by paintings. Researching metaphorical meaning from modern city life, people may have specific sympathetic feelings with others. On the other hand, there were many serious viewpoints during the researching periods. In this process, the writer tried to interpretive the creative ideas and creative experience which were naturally taught by the writer’s elders since the childhood. Therefore, the style of the paintings became the media to pass people’s thinking and creed feeling about the mass environment. The creation theme was the first personal research adopted by the writer. The theme recalled back to the past memory which connected to the vision in the mind. That was the experience of the writer’s life; time passed away rapidly but the impression still remained unto this present. Therefore, being in this kind of outer city space and according to the past memory, the interior realization would be roused. For these paintings, the writer recreated a new image of the memory and interpretations of the daily life that may be the common scene, the streetscape or the special setting. The writer tried to seek another realistic condition of human’s life in the mass city, thus the demonstration of visual works are given a new appearance to form the personal artistic form. Key words: daily life , Allegory , The Corner of Losing



失落的角落, 日常生活, 寓意畫, The Corner of Losing, daily life, Allegory





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