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本研究以臺灣國際志工生活在歐洲的居遊敘事為縱軸,並且運用認真休閒(serious leisure)、移動性(mobility)與反思性(reflexivity)之觀光休閒及社會學論述為橫軸,以交疊鋪陳出當代臺灣青年跨國移動當志工的現代性意涵。本文除了從認真休閒及跨國移動的面向切入探討臺灣赴歐志工旅行經驗,同時亦分析其透過在地居遊實踐所形構與體現的「歐洲感」(sense of Europe)。研究的取徑採質性訪談為主、文本分析為輔,除了以10名曾經居遊歐洲的臺灣青年志工為主要報導人,亦將國內三本與歐洲志工經驗相關的書籍納入資料分析的範疇內,以與訪談所得內容相互補足及參照。
Implying sociological theory of serious leisure, mobility and reflexivity, this thesis aims to explore the profound implication of modernity by investigating contemporary Taiwanese youth volunteers’ travelling and dwelling experiences in Europe. The study also examines how these mobile youth make a ‘sense of Europe’ by encountering locals, embodying places and by everyday practices. In order to analyze the meaning of being a volunteer tourist in Europe, the researcher employs qualitative research methods of in-depth interview and content analysis using 10 youth volunteers’ narratives as main data, together with 3 relevant written texts as supporting contexts. In recent years, international volunteer tourism has turned into an increasingly popular activity among Taiwanese youth people, who seek to embrace the cultural Other and gain personal developments by this kind of alternative tourism. The phenomenon of being an active volunteer tourist helping others shows that Taiwanese young people are becoming much more ‘serious’ toward leisure participation. In other words, doing volunteer tourism is not just for fun or relaxation. Rather these volunteer tourists are in search of cultural immersion, a sense of Europe and inner growth, as well as seeking to build transnational social networks and their own multiple capital. The cross-border serious leisure practice of volunteer tourism provides Taiwanese youth a chance to perform their rite of passage, through which a more reflexive self is significantly stimulated and brought about in order to engage in a dialectical process between Self and Other. With the discussion and analysis of Taiwanese international volunteer tourists’ dwelling-in-travel experiences, this thesis illustrates the interdisciplinary approach of tourism studies. In addition, the narrative analysis of Taiwanese youth mobility and modernity provides a unique perspective for understanding the relationship between tourism and modernity and explores ways to understand youth mobility as a performance of modernity.
Implying sociological theory of serious leisure, mobility and reflexivity, this thesis aims to explore the profound implication of modernity by investigating contemporary Taiwanese youth volunteers’ travelling and dwelling experiences in Europe. The study also examines how these mobile youth make a ‘sense of Europe’ by encountering locals, embodying places and by everyday practices. In order to analyze the meaning of being a volunteer tourist in Europe, the researcher employs qualitative research methods of in-depth interview and content analysis using 10 youth volunteers’ narratives as main data, together with 3 relevant written texts as supporting contexts. In recent years, international volunteer tourism has turned into an increasingly popular activity among Taiwanese youth people, who seek to embrace the cultural Other and gain personal developments by this kind of alternative tourism. The phenomenon of being an active volunteer tourist helping others shows that Taiwanese young people are becoming much more ‘serious’ toward leisure participation. In other words, doing volunteer tourism is not just for fun or relaxation. Rather these volunteer tourists are in search of cultural immersion, a sense of Europe and inner growth, as well as seeking to build transnational social networks and their own multiple capital. The cross-border serious leisure practice of volunteer tourism provides Taiwanese youth a chance to perform their rite of passage, through which a more reflexive self is significantly stimulated and brought about in order to engage in a dialectical process between Self and Other. With the discussion and analysis of Taiwanese international volunteer tourists’ dwelling-in-travel experiences, this thesis illustrates the interdisciplinary approach of tourism studies. In addition, the narrative analysis of Taiwanese youth mobility and modernity provides a unique perspective for understanding the relationship between tourism and modernity and explores ways to understand youth mobility as a performance of modernity.
志工旅遊, 想像歐洲, 認真休閒, 移動性, 現代性, volunteer tourism, imaging Europe, serious leisure, mobility, modernity