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科技日新月異,各國的人來往發達,許多不法人士為了偷渡與走私,而使用假護照或假身分相關證件來通關。即便護照或相關證件已有多重防偽機制,但因印刷技術發達,仍有變造或偽造的護照出現,因此為了保護個人資料安全,許多學者投入解決用於紙張的防偽技術。然而現有證件的防偽技術僅限於紙張本身的防偽功能,無法與線上資料整合。現今因行動裝置普遍,民眾可透過手機掃描QR Code後連接至指定網址,為一個連接線上資料很好的媒介。近來有許多學者投入QR Code的美化,使QR Code兼具美觀及安全性。因此本研究欲製作一款能以QR Code連結線上資料且具第二照片功能之身分證件,以達多重防偽功能。研究首先將利用誤差擴散法之半色調技術結合資訊隱藏技術,於圖像轉換為半色調影像過程中藏入原始QR Code資訊,以形成圖像化QR Code。再來將模擬雷射鑽孔大小,來校正實際鑽孔時能量及孔徑的對應,以達成行動裝置掃描最高的判讀性,且不失其外觀。最後以模擬鑽孔孔徑為目標進行雷射鑽孔,將圖像化QR Code與相關證件結合,即可透過手機掃描連結至證明身份之網頁。經實驗結果顯示,模擬鑽孔等效孔徑於0.078mm以上可進行解碼,實際鑽孔則在0.09mm左右可達到掃碼最佳效果,並透過掃描讀取得內藏QR Code資訊。此方法產生之證件不僅可以兼顧第一線防偽以肉眼觀察證件照與圖像化QR Code影像異同之外,還可透過行動裝置掃描連結至雲端,核對身分相關資料,藉此提升相關證件的防偽效果,達到第二線防偽功能。也可與內藏QR Code結合,透過使用者才有的金鑰解出,達到三線防偽功能。證件鑽孔加工後,有心人士如變造證件之第一照片,也無法變造已形成孔洞的圖像化QR Code,為一種多重防偽技術。
Barcodes have been flourished with the environment of common mobile devices. By scanning the code, we can quickly connect to the online information. However, the regular QR Code consists of black and white modules that are difficult to see whether it has been altered. Therefore, it accompanies with the security issues. On the other hand, altered or forged identity documents (IDs) exist because of the development of printing technology. Although some IDs currently use laser perforation to enhance its anti-counterfeiting feature, it is still unable to integrate with online information. Therefore, this study intends to use halftoning to produce the graphic QR Code. Through the laser perforation, the security features of documents can be enhanced. The optimal laser perforate diameter to decode can be estimated. Through simulated laser perforation results indicate that diameters above 0.078 mm can be interpreted by the QR code reader. In the process of actual laser perforating, it gets the better decode effect when the perforated diameter is between 0.09 to 0.10 mm. At the end, it produce a identity documents by laser perforation with QR which can be verified with the naked eye to know whether the graphic QR code observed against the light is the same as the photo on the ID as the first line security feature. Moreover, we can obtain the link to identification by using mobile phones to scan the QR code as the second line security feature. Moreover, it can also be combined with the implicit QR Code, the message of the implicit QR code can be decoded by inputting the correct key to achieve the third line security feature. The research can enhance the security of IDs in the future.



半色調, 雷射鑽孔, 圖像化 QR Code, 二維條碼, 證件防偽, halftoning, QR Code, 2D barcode, laser perforation, documents security





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