
dc.contributorHsiao, Hsien-Shengen_US
dc.contributor.authorLee, Chen-Hanen_US
dc.description.abstract華語文一直是現今學習第二外語的熱門語言,在華語文的學習上大多重視學習者在聽與說的能力,在閱讀上反而忽略了其重要性,使得學習者雖然具備華語文的基礎表達能力,但對於漢字構成訊息的處理能力,卻無法理解其整體的內容和意思出來。在教學上,教師鮮少能針對在學習上有問題的學生以完整、結構性的補救方式輔導學生進行學習,使得學生在閱讀的認知結構上遇到困難卻無法得到立即的更正,進而影響到後續的學習。在學習後的評量上,同樣也很少針對評量結果中錯誤的概念給予相應的補救教學,使得學生儘管了解自己的學習成效,卻無法解決學習上的障礙,也因此才需要透過知識結構的學習診斷與補救教學,將學生在知識結構上的錯誤概念找出後,給予適合的補救教學。而開放式課程作為目前教育界討論未來數位學習趨勢的熱門話題,不僅具有小單元內容進行教學的特點,以避免學習者產生認知負荷而降低學習成效,對雙碼理論而言,其也具備了語文編碼中的詞彙、語句和文章內容,以及圖像編碼中的影片及聲音,使學習者更容易了解和記憶學習,進而提升學習者的補救教學成效。本研究所建置的華語文閱讀診斷與開放式課程補救教學,期望利用知識結構、順序理論、貝氏網路等理論與工具進行學習診斷,能診斷出學習者在華語文閱讀上的錯誤概念之外,再以開放式課程進行補救教學,達到強化補救教學成效之目的。 本研究以63位台北市某大學國語教學中心學習華語文的外籍人士,程度為國語文中心之初學者作為研究對象,採用準實驗研究法,實驗組為32人,對照組為31人。先以適性化診斷測驗診斷受測者在華語文閱讀能力上的錯誤概念,接著實驗組採用本研究所建置之華語文閱讀診斷與開放式課程補救教學系統、對照組採用華語文診斷與傳統教師補救教學模式進行補救教學,最後進行補救教學成效測驗和學習保留量測驗。研究結果發現透過本研究所建置之系統進行補救教學後,在補救教學成效和學習保留量上顯著優於以傳統教師授課進行補救教學的受測者,並且在知識節點錯誤概念的進步幅度上,同樣也是使用本系統的受測者進步幅度優於傳統補救教學的受測者。而在受測者使用完本系統後,大多表示使用本系統能有效的幫助受測者在華語文閱讀上的學習,並希望以後能有這樣的系統作為華語文學習的方式。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractChinese has always been a popular second language nowadays. In the Chinese language learning, most learners focus on their listening and speaking ability, but they tend to neglect the importance of their reading ability. As a result, although they have basic capacity of expression, they can’t understand the overall content and the meaning when using Chinese. In teaching, Chinese teachers rarely can focus on students’ problems and provide them a complete and structural tutoring for remedy. After assessments, they can’t have situated remedial instruction. Chinese students understand their own problems, but they can’t solve them. For this situation, people need to find out students’ misconception through the learning diagnostic and remedial instructions. To improve the shortcoming, this research focuses the following theories to figure out the problems. As a trend of the future digital learning, Open Course Ware (OCW) has a feature of a small unit teaching content to avoid and to reduce the cognitive load of learning. Also, according to the dual coding theory, vocabulary, statements and content of the article can be coded to be image, video and audio. It makes learners easier understand and remember what to learn, and thus enhance their learning performance. In this study, a system, for the Chinese reading diagnosis and OCW remedial instruction, is constructed. In the beginning, with this system, researchers look forward to using the knowledge structure, order theory, Bayesian networks and other learning theories and tools to diagnose Chinese reading misconception. Then OCW, for remedial instruction, strengthens the effectiveness of remedial teaching purposes. In the study, there are 63 participants from the Mandarin Training Center (MTC) in Taipei. 32 members of them are purposively assigned to the experimental group (EG), and the other 31 ones to the control group (CG). In the teaching experiment, firstly with adaptive diagnostic tests, subjects are diagnosed in the Chinese language for reading ability misconception. Secondly, in EG the members use the Chinese language reading diagnosis and remedial teaching system OCW. On the other hand, in CG the ones use the diagnosis and traditional remedial teaching. In the end, both they have the test for the effectiveness of remedial teaching and learning retention. The results show the following results. Firstly, with OCW the effectiveness out of the instruction of the remedial teaching and learning retention is significantly better than the one of the traditional remedial teaching subjects. Secondly, knowledge nodes help solve the misconception. By the way, most of the subjects express that the use of OCW can effectively help themselves in the Chinese reading. After the experiment, they hope to be able to have such a system as a way of learning the Chinese language.en_US
dc.subjectChinese Languageen_US
dc.subjectBayesian Networksen_US
dc.subjectRemedial Instructionen_US
dc.titleThe Research of Chinese Reading Comprehension about Diagnostic and Remedial Instruction Systemen_US


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