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元宇宙是國內外最熱門新興科技議題之一,本研究旨在探討台灣元宇宙軟體開發人才所需之關鍵工作技能需求。透過網路爬蟲擷取台灣104人力銀行,總共擷取關於元宇宙軟體開發徵才306筆招募廣告,以內容分析法初擬元宇宙軟體開發人才之技能分類框架,由3位熟習元宇宙領域科技與軟體開發之專業人士,進行編碼與信度評價,經由Krippendorf's Alpha一致度計算為0.89分。本研究發現台灣的企業主在工作技能需求方面,重視「溝通表達、員工特質、人際關係、問題解決」的軟技能,在硬技能方面分別為英文與專業技術,其中專業技術前十名的專業工作技能需求分別為「軟體設計原則、程式語言、Web應用、行動應用、結構化資料、雲端服務、作業系統、物聯網、圖形渲染、遊戲引擎」,也統計出各項專業技能之最熱門的技能關鍵字。以月薪的分佈來分析,明顯看出多數工作招募的月薪都超過四萬。以地區來分析,目前元宇宙軟體開發工作招募以「雙北」為多數,占招募總數的81%。依據研究結果,本研究也提供元宇宙生態發展中「企業、求職者以及學校與培訓機構」三者相關參考建議,並期望有助於投入元宇宙行業工作需求的參考。
The Metaverse is one of the hottest emerging technology topics both domestically and internationally. This study aims to explore the key job skill requirements for Taiwan's Metaverse software development talent. Through web scraping, a total of 306 recruitment advertisements related to Metaverse software development were collected from Taiwan's 104 Corporation. Using content analysis, an initial skill classification framework of Metaverse software development talent was proposed. Three professionals familiar with metaverse technology and software development were involved in coding and reliability evaluation. The Krippendorf's Alpha reliability coefficient was calculated to be 0.89. This study found that employers in Taiwan prioritize soft skills such as"communication, employee attributes, interpersonal relationships, and problem-solving" in terms of job skill requirements. In terms of hard skills, the top skills are English and occupational attributes. The top ten occupational attributes skill requirements for professional traits are "software design principles, programming languages, web applications, mobile applications, structured data, cloud services, operating systems, Internet of Things, graphics rendering, and game engines." The study also compiled the most popular skill keywords for each professional skill. Analyzing the distribution of monthly salaries, it is evident that the majority of job recruitments offer a salary exceeding 40,000 TWD. In terms of regional analysis, the majority of metaverse software development job recruitments are concentrated in Taipei City and New Taipei City, accounting for 81% of the total recruitment. Based on the research results, this study provides relevant recommendations for"enterprises, job seekers, and schools and training institutions" in the development of the metaverse ecosystem. It is hoped that these recommendations will contribute to the reference for job requirements in the metaverse industry.
The Metaverse is one of the hottest emerging technology topics both domestically and internationally. This study aims to explore the key job skill requirements for Taiwan's Metaverse software development talent. Through web scraping, a total of 306 recruitment advertisements related to Metaverse software development were collected from Taiwan's 104 Corporation. Using content analysis, an initial skill classification framework of Metaverse software development talent was proposed. Three professionals familiar with metaverse technology and software development were involved in coding and reliability evaluation. The Krippendorf's Alpha reliability coefficient was calculated to be 0.89. This study found that employers in Taiwan prioritize soft skills such as"communication, employee attributes, interpersonal relationships, and problem-solving" in terms of job skill requirements. In terms of hard skills, the top skills are English and occupational attributes. The top ten occupational attributes skill requirements for professional traits are "software design principles, programming languages, web applications, mobile applications, structured data, cloud services, operating systems, Internet of Things, graphics rendering, and game engines." The study also compiled the most popular skill keywords for each professional skill. Analyzing the distribution of monthly salaries, it is evident that the majority of job recruitments offer a salary exceeding 40,000 TWD. In terms of regional analysis, the majority of metaverse software development job recruitments are concentrated in Taipei City and New Taipei City, accounting for 81% of the total recruitment. Based on the research results, this study provides relevant recommendations for"enterprises, job seekers, and schools and training institutions" in the development of the metaverse ecosystem. It is hoped that these recommendations will contribute to the reference for job requirements in the metaverse industry.
元宇宙, 軟體開發人才, 人才技能, 內容分析法, 技能分類框架, metaverse, software developers, talent skills, content analysis method, skill classification framework