ArcGIS StoryMaps應用於溪洲阿美族生活文化園區線上導覽解說之研究
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溪洲部落是臺北都會區的一個都市阿美族部落,過去部分從花東原鄉來到臺北都會區謀生的阿美族人,礙於經濟壓力而選擇自力營造新家園,第一代溪洲部落的族人秉持阿美族的親水信仰,選擇在新店溪河岸自力興建房舍,隨著時間的發展逐漸形成部落;由於溪洲部落位於新店溪的行水區,伴隨臺北都會區的擴張以及防災意識的抬頭,溪洲部落面臨政府強制拆遷的壓力,有幸在經歷漫長的抗爭與協商過程後,溪洲部落蛻變成為都市原住民部落「鄰地重建」的典範。然而過去溪洲部落的資料是以口耳相傳、紙本或是實體照片的形式進行傳承,因此這些資料在面臨族人世代交替、水災、火災時便顯得相當脆弱,另一方面,溪洲部落本身是屬於族人的生活領域,並非每個人都適合以親自拜訪的方式來認識溪洲部落,因此本研究透過敘事調查來尋找屬於溪洲部落的故事,同時透過ArcGIS StoryMaps來以數位典藏的方式保存訪談自族人的文本資料以及溪洲部落不同時期的照片、影片、3D模型等資料,並且提供虛擬導覽的服務,讓網際網路的讀者可以透過網路平台的導覽資訊,對溪洲部落的空間、人文、發展脈絡產生認識。
Xizhou Tribe is an urban Amis tribe in the Taipei metropolitan area, formed by Amis people who migrated from Hualien and Taitung seeking livelihoods. Faced with economic pressures, they independently built homes along the Xindian River, guided by the Amis water affinity belief. Despite the government's pressure for relocation due to urban expansion and disaster awareness, Xizhou Tribe transformed into a model of "rebuilding in a different place" after a lengthy process of resistance and negotiation. However, the historical data of Xizhou Tribe, transmitted orally, through physical documents, and photographs, is susceptible to generational transitions, floods, or fires. Moreover, not everyone can personally visit the tribe. This study aims to investigate the tribe's narratives through narrative inquiry and create a digital archive of textual data, interviews, photographs, videos, and 3D models using ArcGIS StoryMaps. It also intends to offer virtual tour services, enabling online users to comprehend the tribe's spatial, cultural, and developmental context through navigation information.
Xizhou Tribe is an urban Amis tribe in the Taipei metropolitan area, formed by Amis people who migrated from Hualien and Taitung seeking livelihoods. Faced with economic pressures, they independently built homes along the Xindian River, guided by the Amis water affinity belief. Despite the government's pressure for relocation due to urban expansion and disaster awareness, Xizhou Tribe transformed into a model of "rebuilding in a different place" after a lengthy process of resistance and negotiation. However, the historical data of Xizhou Tribe, transmitted orally, through physical documents, and photographs, is susceptible to generational transitions, floods, or fires. Moreover, not everyone can personally visit the tribe. This study aims to investigate the tribe's narratives through narrative inquiry and create a digital archive of textual data, interviews, photographs, videos, and 3D models using ArcGIS StoryMaps. It also intends to offer virtual tour services, enabling online users to comprehend the tribe's spatial, cultural, and developmental context through navigation information.
敘事調查, 數位典藏, 虛擬導覽, ArcGIS StoryMaps, 都市原住民, Narrative Inquiry, Digital Archive, Virtual Tour, ArcGIS StoryMaps, Urban Indigenous People