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  本研究旨在探討大班幼兒不同攻擊類型(肢體攻擊、關係攻擊)與情緒能力(情緒理解、情緒展現規則)及社會認知能力(心智理論)之相關情形,並檢視不同攻擊組別(非攻擊者、肢體攻擊者、關係攻擊者、兼具肢體與關係攻擊者)在情緒理解、情緒展現規則及心智理論作業的表現上是否有顯著差異。此外,亦將檢視大班幼兒攻擊行為(關係攻擊、肢體攻擊)與情緒能力、社會認知能力之發展現況及性別差異情形,供幼兒教育工作者作為教學或輔導之參考。   研究對象為台北縣、市私立幼稚園與托兒所之82位大班幼兒(男44人,女38人,平均年齡5.9歲),使用「幼兒社會行為-同儕提名問卷」、「幼兒社會行為問卷-教師版」、「基本情緒圖」、「情緒情境知識作業」、「情緒展現規則作業」、Strange Stories及《魏氏幼兒智力量表修訂版》等研究工具,分別測量幼兒攻擊行為、基本情緒辨識、情緒情境知識、情緒展現規則、社會認知能力及語言能力。   主要研究結果整理如下: 1.男生幼兒肢體攻擊行為顯著高於女生,而在關係攻擊、基本情緒辨識、情緒情境知識、情緒展現規則、社會認知能力上則未有顯著性別差異情形。 2.大班幼兒肢體攻擊與關係攻擊有顯著高相關,且同儕提名與教師評定幼兒攻擊行為間亦有顯著相關。 3.大班幼兒在生氣與害怕表情的辨識上正確率較低,且對於引發生氣與害怕情緒的情境較易產生混淆。 4.大班幼兒對「負向故事」的情緒展現規則理解較「正向故事」佳,且要隱藏內心真實情緒時,較多幼兒選擇中性表情掩飾之。而在隱藏情緒動機之推論上,無論性別及攻擊類型組別為何,皆以作「自我保護」推論的比例較高。 5.大班幼兒肢體攻擊與情緒理解、情緒展現規則及心智理論能力之間在控制了關係攻擊(及語言能力)後,沒有顯著相關;而關係攻擊與情緒理解、情緒展現規則及心智理論能力之間在控制了肢體攻擊(及語言能力)後,同樣沒有顯著相關。 6.大班幼兒非攻擊者、肢體攻擊者、關係攻擊者、兼具肢體與關係攻擊者在情緒理解、情緒展現規則及心智理論作業的表現上皆無顯著差異。
  The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships among two types of aggression (physical, relational), emotional competence and social-cognitive ability in preschoolers. Participants of this study were 82 preschoolers (44 boys and 38 girls, mean age = 5.9 years old) in senior classes of three kindergartens in Taipei. Children’s aggression was assessed by peer nominations and teacher ratings. The tasks for assessing emotional competence were “Basic Emotional Recognition”, “Emotion Situation Knowledge” and “Emotional Display Rules”, and social-cognitive ability was measured by Strange Stories in this study.   The main findings were as follows: 1. Boys were more physically aggressive than girls. There were no significant gender differences in relational aggression, basic emotional recognition, emotion situation knowledge, emotional display rules, and social-cognitive abilities. 2. For Based on the data from both informants, physical aggression was highly associated with relational aggression in preschoolers. There were significant correlations between the scores from peer nomination and teacher ratings in preschoolers’ aggression. 3. Preschoolers had more difficulty in recognizing expressions of anger and fear. Young children appeared to feel confused about the situations evoking anger and sadness. 4. Negative stories were understood more easily than positive stories. Furthermore, neutralization was chosen most frequently as the display strategy in the discrepant stories. Preschoolers, no matter what gender or group of aggressors, provided more self-protective reasons in their motivations of hiding emotions. 5. Controlling for language abilities and relational aggressions, physical aggression was not significantly associated with emotional understanding, emotional display rules knowledge, and social-cognitive abilities. Controlling for language abilities and physical aggressions, relational aggression was not significantly associated with emotional understanding, emotional display rules knowledge, and social-cognitive abilities when. 6. There were no significant differences among different groups of aggressors in emotional understanding, emotional display rules knowledge, and social-cognitive abilities.



大班幼兒, 肢體攻擊, 關係攻擊, 情緒能力, 社會認知, preschooler, physical aggression, relational aggression, emotional competence, social cognition





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