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本研究旨在探討不同背景變項之國中學生在家庭氣氛與生命態度之間的關係,並探討家庭氣氛是否會透過友誼品質進而影響個體的生命態度,研究過程採用立意叢集抽樣方法,以調查研究法蒐集問卷資料,抽取台北市與新北市共四所國中七、八、九年級學生,有效樣本共 577人(男生共 315人,女生共262人)。研究工具包括「基本資料調查表」、「青少年生命態度量表」、「家庭氣氛量表」、「友誼品質量表」。研究結果如下:
The purpose of the study was to assess the differences and relations between Family Atmosphere and Life Attitudes of Junior High School Students: The Mediating Effect of Friendship Quality. The sample consisted of 577 students(315 males and 262 females) from four junior high schools in Taipei City and New Taipei Citywith purposive sampling. The study gathered information through questionnaire surveys. The instruments applied were Tseng(2009)’s Life Attitude Scale, Friendship Quality Questionnaire , and Family Atmosphere Questionnaire. The main findings of the study are : 1. The family atmosphere of junior high school students varied significantly in terms of grade, but not gender, family structure , and the county and city area where the school is located. 2. The life attitudes of junior high school students varied significantly in terms of gender and family structure, but not grade and the county and city area where the school is located. 3. The friendship quality of junior high school students varied significantly in terms of gender, grade and the county and city area where the school is located, but not family structure. 4. There is a significant positive correlation between the family atmosphere, life attitude and friendship quality of junior high school students. 5. The friendship quality of junior high school students has a partial mediating effect between family atmosphere and life attitude. Based on the results, the study also provides further suggestions for future research directions and practioners.
The purpose of the study was to assess the differences and relations between Family Atmosphere and Life Attitudes of Junior High School Students: The Mediating Effect of Friendship Quality. The sample consisted of 577 students(315 males and 262 females) from four junior high schools in Taipei City and New Taipei Citywith purposive sampling. The study gathered information through questionnaire surveys. The instruments applied were Tseng(2009)’s Life Attitude Scale, Friendship Quality Questionnaire , and Family Atmosphere Questionnaire. The main findings of the study are : 1. The family atmosphere of junior high school students varied significantly in terms of grade, but not gender, family structure , and the county and city area where the school is located. 2. The life attitudes of junior high school students varied significantly in terms of gender and family structure, but not grade and the county and city area where the school is located. 3. The friendship quality of junior high school students varied significantly in terms of gender, grade and the county and city area where the school is located, but not family structure. 4. There is a significant positive correlation between the family atmosphere, life attitude and friendship quality of junior high school students. 5. The friendship quality of junior high school students has a partial mediating effect between family atmosphere and life attitude. Based on the results, the study also provides further suggestions for future research directions and practioners.
生命態度, 家庭氣氛, 友誼品質, 國中生, 青少年, 中介變項, life attitude, family atmosphere, friendship quality, junior high school students, adolescent, intermediary variables