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本研究採用文本分析的方法,分析四本多元文化圖畫書,並透過三角校正的程序,以增進分析結果的客觀性及完整性。多元文化的意涵包含理解差異、尊重多元和社會行動,本研究聚焦在多元文化精神中的「差異性意涵」。 再者,研究者參考幼兒園課程大綱中社會領域關於培養幼兒多元文化的內涵,從中淬取出年齡、社經背景、種族及身心狀態為分析差異性的四個向度。每個向度中,選擇一本圖畫書當作研究對象。分別為《湯姆爺爺》、《丹福先生》、《橘色的馬》及《我是一顆小星星》。並就文字要素、圖像要素及圖文之間的關係,分析出圖畫書中的差異性意涵。 本研究結果包括: 一、年齡向度-《湯姆爺爺》一書中,作者呈現湯姆爺爺年紀雖大,但 小孩與他學習、互相陪伴;反觀市長和捕老大隊,對待爺爺的方式 卻是孤立和歧視,甚而捕捉爺爺,對老弱者表現出不尊重的態度。 故事中描繪出年長者充滿活力、童心未泯、身強體壯等形象,打破 世俗對年長者的刻板印象。 二、社經背景向度-《丹福先生》一書中,丹福先生是高社經背景的有 錢人,待人謙遜有禮,熱心參與公益,慷慨支援需要幫助的村民。 在黑衣人的挑撥之下,柏頓村的村民開始嫉妒丹福先生的錢財,表 現出貪婪、想不勞而獲的嘴臉;最後落得無法生活的下場。作者重 新賦予了有錢人的形象。 三、種族向度-《橘色的馬》一書中,橘色的馬在尋找自己的兄弟時, 找到與自己膚色相同的房子、車子和獅子,但是他們卻無法與橘色 的馬建立友誼的關係;直到咖啡色的馬出現,雖然膚色不同,卻擁 有共同生活、互相陪伴的機會,雖然橘色的馬始終無法與咖啡色的 馬,將彼此所持各半張的照片拼成一張完整的照片,但敞開心扉後 卻成了感情最好的兄弟。本書突顯出阻礙友情的不是膚色的不同, 而是那扇緊閉的心門。 四、身心狀態向度-《我是一顆小星星》一書中,作者透過圖文互補和 圖文反差的方式,描述了小星星在學校被欺負、受嘲笑的過程。雖 然小強一再的欺侮他,但是小星星仍舊不改自己純真善良的個性, 充滿勇氣的面對小強;即使最後小星星感到委屈難過,還是充滿自 信。作者傳遞出小星星樂觀的態度和欣賞自己的能力。也幫助幼兒 學習如何尊重身心狀態不同的同儕。 藉由本研究發現,彰顯出發現差異、理解差異、尊重差異及欣賞差異之多元文化圖畫書,有利提供幼兒教師實施多元文化教育的參考資源。研究者根據本研究結果,針對圖畫書創作者、實務工作者及未來研究者提出建議。
This research adopts text analysis to analyze four multicultural picture books and ensures the objectivity and the integrity through Triangulation in researching. The spirit of multiculturalism includes understanding differences, respecting them and adopting them in social movements. This research focuses on the meanings of differentiation in multicultural societies. The researcher has consulted the references from the contents about how to foster pre-school children to have multicultural connotations from the outline of the pre-school curriculum and has selected four orientations, which are age, social and economic backgrounds, race, and physical and mental states. The researcher took these four orientations as references and chose one picture book from each orientation as research objects of this study. The books are Grandpa Tom, Mr. Dan-Fu, The Orange Horse, and I Am a Little Star. The author of this thesis analyzed the meaning of differentiation from the relationships between word elements, picture elements and the integrated meanings between words and pictures. The results of this research are as follows: 1) In the book of Grandpa Tom-the orientation of age, the author tried to present that even Grandpa is old, but he still attracts children to learn from him and to be his companions, whereas the mayor and the old-people capturing team treat Grandpa with isolation and discrimination and even try to hunt him down. This shows the disrespectful attitude toward the elders. This book describes the images of the elders to be energetic, childlike and strong to break down the stereotypes we have about elders. 2) In the book of Mr. Dan-Fu-the orientation of social and economic background, Mr. Dan-Fu is a rich person with a high social and economic background. He is humble and polite, enthusiastic in participating in public welfare and generous in helping villagers who are in need. However, under the alienation by a black-suited person, villagers from Bo-Duan Village start to feel jealous of Mr. Dan-Fu’s money. This book presents the greedy and lazy parts of humanity and thus leads to the bad ending of these villagers. The author gave rich people a new image. 3) In the book of The Orange Horse-the orientation of race, while the orange horse was looking for his brother, he found a house, a car and a lion with the same color as he, but he couldn’t make a connection with them. Until a brown horse showed up, even they have different skin colors, he started to have a chance to live with the brown horse and to become each other’s companion. Even though the orange horse and the brown horse can never put together a complete picture from the halves they have, they became best friends after they opened their hearts to each other. This book highlights the reason to stop friendship is not from the skin tone but from a closed mind. 4) In the book of I Am a Little Star-the orientation of physical and mental states, the author describes the stories of Little Star being bullied and mocked at school from the complement and the contrast of pictures. Although Johnny keeps bullying him all the time, Little Star still maintains purity and kindness and faces Johnny with courage. Even Little Star at the end feels upset, he is still confident. The author conveys the positive attitude and the ability to appreciate oneself that Little Star has. Therefore, this book is able to help pre-school children to learn to respect peers with different physical and mental states. By doing the research, the author found by highlighting multicultural picture books which give one the ability to discover differences, understand them, respect them and appreciate them, provides pre-school teachers with references when implementing multicultural teaching. The researcher provides suggestions to picture book creators, practical educators, and future research as references based on the results and conclusions of this research. Keywords:multiculturalism, multicultural picture book, textual analysis



多元文化, 多元文化圖畫書, 文本分析, multiculturalism, multicultural picture book, textual analysis





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