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本研究旨在探討以中文為母語之兒童詮釋新奇複合名詞(novel noun-noun compound)之發展。本研究包含兩個控制變因,第一為名詞之動物性(animacy)/非動物性(inanimacy),第二為修飾詞(modifier)/中心詞(head)之特性。本研究採用兩種實驗類型:看圖回答測驗與理解選擇測驗。研究對象包括實驗組的一百位兒童,依平均年齡四至八歲分成五組,每組二十人,以及對照組的二十位成人。 實驗結果顯示,五歲之兒童對於新奇複合名詞解讀之偏好已經類似於成人之偏好,亦即以第一名詞為導向(N1-preference)之解讀。至於在動物性與否對於複合名詞使用之影響方面,當修飾詞或中心詞為動物性時,所有年齡受試者之表現類似。反之,當修飾詞或中心詞為非動物性時,受試者之表現則無明顯之趨勢。關於不同之測驗對於受試者表現之影響,僅在修飾詞為非動物性時,所有年齡層表現一致:看圖回答測驗傾向於引導以修飾詞為導向之解讀,而理解選擇測驗則傾向於引導以中心詞為導向之解讀。然而,當修飾詞為動物性時,此種結果之一致性則不存在。最後,我們提出兒童新奇複合名詞之習得有三階段:四歲兒童屬第一階段,五、六歲兒童在第二階段,七、八歲兒童則在第三階段。其中,第三階段兒童新奇複合名詞之使用幾乎已與成人相似。
The present study aims to analyze the developmental patterns of Chinese children’s noun-noun compound uses by investigating their production and comprehension of novel noun-noun compounds under the manipulations of the animacy/inanimacy and modifier/head. A production task and a comprehension task were assigned to 100 Chinese children (aged 4-8) and a control group of 20 Chinese-speaking adults. The 100 children subjects were further divided into five age groups, each of which consisted of 20 subjects. The results showed that Chinese children as young as five were able to choose the N1-preference reading, which was adult-like. With regard to the animacy effect, all the children were found to perform similarly to the adult controls when either the modifier or the head was [+animate]. In contrast, when either the modifier or the head was [-animate], no clear trend was found. With regard to the task effect, it was found that only when the modifier was [-animate] would all the group results be consistent: the production tended to receive the N1-preference readings while the comprehension task tended to trigger the N2-preference reading. In contrast, when the modifier was [+animate], there was no such consistency. Finally, there was a three-stage development pattern of our children’s uses of noun-noun compounds: the four-year-olds were at the first stage, the five-and six-year-olds at the second stage, and the seven- and eight-year-olds at the third stage, the use of the sub-strategies at the last stage being almost similar to the adults’ pattern.



母語習得, 複合名詞, 動物性, L1 acquisition, noun-noun compounds, animacy





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