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本研究以受過5Why鷹架式提問教學模組培訓的大台北地區23位國小教師為研究對象,探討其是否能根據自然與生活科技領域課程的需求尋找合適的社區資源,設計5Why鷹架式提問教學活動。研究結果發現:1.這些教師都會先以自然與生活科技領域的某教學活動練習 5Why 鷹架式提問,並教導學童畫魚骨圖;然後,再根據教學的需求尋找、探勘社區資源,設計5Why鷹架式提問教學活動;待社區資源的教學結束後,教師會回教室進行因果思考的討論,引導學童利用魚骨圖找出問題的主要原因,思考解決對策。2.利用自然體驗社區資源的國小教師,認為自然體驗的社區資源能支援自然與生活科技領域生物課程的教學,發展認知、情意兼具的教學活動;而利用解說展示社區資源的國小教師,則認為聘請專業解說人員做導覽能減輕教師的負擔,5Why鷹架式提問教學偏重於引導學童連結科學知識與實際生活現象。因多數教師認為運用社區資源進行5Why鷹架式提問教學活動過於費時耗力,現行體制實施不易,建議可搭配相關的課程或利用社團、科學營等方式實施,較能突顯社區資源推廣5Why鷹架式提問教學的功能。
The study examined whether twenty three primary teachers who were trained in using 5Why scaffolding questioning could design questioning activities to allocate proper community resources for science and technology courses. The results show that (1) teachers incorporate 5Why scaffolding questioning in one of the activities provided in the textbook and guide students to draw fishbone diagrams first. Then, teachers look for community resources based on teaching needs and design 5Why scaffolding questioning activities. After the community resources activities, teachers and students go back to their classrooms and discuss related topics. Using fishbone diagrams, teachers guide students to identify the main cause to a problem. (2)Primary teachers choose nature experience-based community resources to help them design cognitive and affective activities in biology topics. They also choose exposition-based community resources to guide students to learn scientific knowledge through factual phenomena. Because all participating teachers consider 5Why scaffolding questioning to be time-consuming and hard to enforce, we recommend that teachers can use 5Why scaffolding questioning on suitable topics from textbooks or club activities.
The study examined whether twenty three primary teachers who were trained in using 5Why scaffolding questioning could design questioning activities to allocate proper community resources for science and technology courses. The results show that (1) teachers incorporate 5Why scaffolding questioning in one of the activities provided in the textbook and guide students to draw fishbone diagrams first. Then, teachers look for community resources based on teaching needs and design 5Why scaffolding questioning activities. After the community resources activities, teachers and students go back to their classrooms and discuss related topics. Using fishbone diagrams, teachers guide students to identify the main cause to a problem. (2)Primary teachers choose nature experience-based community resources to help them design cognitive and affective activities in biology topics. They also choose exposition-based community resources to guide students to learn scientific knowledge through factual phenomena. Because all participating teachers consider 5Why scaffolding questioning to be time-consuming and hard to enforce, we recommend that teachers can use 5Why scaffolding questioning on suitable topics from textbooks or club activities.