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本研究旨在瞭解中部地區私立科技大學學生職涯成熟度與生涯決策自我效能感現況及影響因素。研究首先探討國內外相關研究,繼之採用調查研究法蒐集資料,以中部地區私立科技大學學生為研究對象,共發出1250份問卷,有效卷1041份,有效卷回收率為83%。調查所得資料以描述性統計、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析以及皮爾森相關進行資料分析。經研究結果分析結果,獲致下列主要結論: 1. 學生職涯成熟度屬中等程度,以「資訊應用」得分最高;學生生涯決策自我效能感亦屬中等程度,以自我了解評估得分最高。 2. 個人背景變項影響職涯成熟度情形,男性皆大於女性;理工科技學院學生皆大於人文社會學院學生;有修生涯規劃課程學生皆大於無修生涯規劃課程學生;有實習學生皆大於無實習學生。 3. 個人背景變項影響生涯決策自我效能感情形,男性皆大於女性;理工科技學院學生皆大於人文社會學院學生。 4. 中部地區私立科技大學學生之職涯成熟度與生涯決策自我效能感呈正相關。
This study was aimed to understand the status and influential factors of career maturity and career decision-making self-efficacy for private technology university students in Central Taiwan. First of all, this study was implemented by reviewing related literatures and researches. Then, the research data was collected by questionnaires and subjects are the students who study at private technology university in Central Taiwan. The amount of questionnaires is 1250, and we receive 1041 completed questionnaires. The available actual recovery rate is 83%. Finally, acquired data was analyzed with statistical methods of descriptive statistics independent sample t-test, Pearson's chi-squared test and One-way ANOVA. According to the analytical result, we were concluded that as follow: 1. The career maturity was medium score and the information application got the highest score. 2. The career decision-making self-efficacy was medium score and the self-understanding got the highest score. 3. The effects of gender, department, whether taking course, and whether having internship and student loan for the career maturity were statistically significant. 4. The effects of gender, department, whether taking course, and whether having internship and student loan and parents’ educational background for the career decision-making self-efficacy were statistically significant.



職涯成熟度, 生涯決策自我效能感, 科技大學學生, career maturity, career decision-making self-efficacy, university of science and technology students





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