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時尚產業發展不僅滿足個人民生需求與對流行的追求,也是推動全球經濟成長的重要推手之一。為因應隨需求增長、流行週期縮短等因素而增加的勞動力及能資源需求與產出廢棄物對人類及自然環境的衝擊,「永續時尚」概念應運而生,而了解各國消費者對於永續時尚產品的態度與購買意願亦成為各國政府與相關業者在推動產業永續發展時急欲了解之項目。本研究為探討我國大眾永續時尚消費決策機制,以我國紡織業者參與研製之永續織品:Weavism UMORFIL®優膚美®襯衫、Qwstion Bananatex®後背包,以及Uniqlo再生羽絨衣與H&M Conscious系列服飾大衣為研究個案,依據Ajzen於1991年提出的計畫行為理論、輔以文獻回顧設計研究問卷,於線上、台北街頭一共回收有效問卷404份,主要採用偏最小平方法結構方程式探索受訪者對購買四項產品決策模型進行分析、比較與整合。研究分析模型發現,受訪者在購買四項永續時尚織品的決策機制各有異同,顯示產品差異可能會對永續時尚消費決策產生影響;總體而言,環境知識、綠色產品信心、時尚參與度、態度、主觀規範、知覺行為控制對行為意圖有顯著影響、環境關注則無;其中又以知覺行為控制影響程度最大、綠色產品信心影響構面最廣,為影響受訪者行為決策的重要因素。本研究結果除具學術貢獻,亦可提供我國紡織及時尚業者開發國內永續時尚市場,以及政府推廣綠色生活參考。
Nowadays, to manufacture fashion products sustainably has become a trend in the fashion industry. Therefore, clarifying consumer’s attitude of sustainable fashion products and purchase intention may contribute sustainable development of fashion industry. This study aims to investigate the mechanism for sustainable fashion consumption decision-making of Taiwanese within the extended framework of TPB. By adopting a quantitative research method and using questionnaires to collect data, this study finally collected a total of 404 useful questionnaires. Study results form PLS-SEM indicated that, the perceived behavioral control of consumers is the most important factor that affects behavioral intention when the green product confidence has a significant impact on attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control. The results also showed that, different sustainable fashion products may have different consumption decision-making mechanisms. Moreover, the study results may help the fashion industry and governments in Taiwan to make relative strategies to promote sustainable consumption.
Nowadays, to manufacture fashion products sustainably has become a trend in the fashion industry. Therefore, clarifying consumer’s attitude of sustainable fashion products and purchase intention may contribute sustainable development of fashion industry. This study aims to investigate the mechanism for sustainable fashion consumption decision-making of Taiwanese within the extended framework of TPB. By adopting a quantitative research method and using questionnaires to collect data, this study finally collected a total of 404 useful questionnaires. Study results form PLS-SEM indicated that, the perceived behavioral control of consumers is the most important factor that affects behavioral intention when the green product confidence has a significant impact on attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control. The results also showed that, different sustainable fashion products may have different consumption decision-making mechanisms. Moreover, the study results may help the fashion industry and governments in Taiwan to make relative strategies to promote sustainable consumption.
永續時尚, 永續時尚消費, 擴充計畫行為理論, 偏最小平方法結構方程模式(PLS-SEM), Sustainable fashion, Sustainable fashion consumption, Extended theory of planned Behavior (TPB), PLS-SEM