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一、 要派業者多數為大型企業。
二、 要派業者多數為服務業。
三、 大多數要派企業屬於成立已久的公司。
四、 要派業者使用派遣年資多數不超過五年。
五、 要派企業使用派遣人力的性質,以事務性為主。
六、 要派企業資金來源,以本國企業投資為主。
七、 要派企業使用派遣人力的型態,以臨時性的登錄型派遣員工為主。
八、 要派企業導入人力派遣考慮因素,可歸納為市場、組織、成本,以及彈性等四大構面因素。
九、 要派企業使用派遣人力以彈性構面獲致效益最大;以市場構面獲致效益最小。
十、 要派企業導入人力派遣的主要考量因素是彈性構面因素。
十一、 要派企業資本額越大,導入人力派遣所獲致之組織構面效益和彈性構面效益反而較小。
十二、 使用其他性質派遣人力(如:直接線上人員、作業員、包裝員等)的要派企業,獲致的彈性構面效益明顯低於使用事務性、專案性、專業性質派遣人力的要派企業。
十三、 使用經常僱用型派遣人力的要派企業,獲致的組織構面效益明顯高於使用登錄型派遣員工的要派企業。
十四、 要派企業導入人力派遣考慮因素及效益間具有明顯正相關。
十五、 派遣人員的素質是影響要派企業運用人力派遣最的重要因素。
十六、 模糊的勞資三角關係是要派企業在運用人力派遣時,面臨的最大問題。
ABSTRACT This research aimed at inquiring what were the chief considerations of enterprises and how the benefits were caught by adopting dispatched workers. The main research purposes were to understand the current situations of the dispatching work in Taiwan; the enterprises’ considerations for adopting dispatched worker; and to find out the benefits of enterprises from adopting dispatched workers, and how the correlations between the consideration and benefits were those based on enterprises’ basic variables; and what were the major problems of enterprises havd faced while they adopted dispatched workers. In order to reach all purposes of this study, a questionnaire was developed and used. With 104 Job Bank’s assistance, 230 company samples those have adopted dispatched workers, were selected. Questionnaires were mailed then 92 questionnaires were retrieved and included 78 valuable questionnaires. The data were coded and then were analyzed by frequency, t test, chi-square test, one-way ANOVA, and correlationship analysis. Finally, the research obtained 16 conclusions.
ABSTRACT This research aimed at inquiring what were the chief considerations of enterprises and how the benefits were caught by adopting dispatched workers. The main research purposes were to understand the current situations of the dispatching work in Taiwan; the enterprises’ considerations for adopting dispatched worker; and to find out the benefits of enterprises from adopting dispatched workers, and how the correlations between the consideration and benefits were those based on enterprises’ basic variables; and what were the major problems of enterprises havd faced while they adopted dispatched workers. In order to reach all purposes of this study, a questionnaire was developed and used. With 104 Job Bank’s assistance, 230 company samples those have adopted dispatched workers, were selected. Questionnaires were mailed then 92 questionnaires were retrieved and included 78 valuable questionnaires. The data were coded and then were analyzed by frequency, t test, chi-square test, one-way ANOVA, and correlationship analysis. Finally, the research obtained 16 conclusions.
人力派遣, 派遣人力, 考慮因素, 效益評估, dispatching work, dispatched workers, consideration, benefit assessment