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在企業知識管理中,本質上是對人的管理,而知識分享則具有管理效果倍增的功能。企業大都建立自己特有的機制來鼓勵知識分享(Drucker, 2007)。即使接受者願意努力積極獲取知識,員工不一定有意願將知識分享給接受者。員工深怕自身的權力或地位受到威脅,不願分享知識。國內、外已有研究表明有效的知識分享有利於組織任務的完成,而人的因素是影響知識分享的核心和焦點。目前研究對於內控型人格特質、比馬龍效應及知識分享間關連性的探討較為稀少,且容易忽略知識分享的型態。本研究著重探討是否內控型人格特質的員工在職場上較容易被比擬為龍,因其被比擬為龍為較自信者,而其知識分享的型態是否更為積極且直接?本研究將知識分享分為三種型態:Type A快速回饋、Tpye B認知反思、Type C情感反思來探討。Type A快速回饋指當接到他人的訊息時,不經思考即作出反應;Tpye B認知反思指當接到他人的訊息時,經過思考後才作出反應;Type C情感反思指當接到他人訊息時,以會不會被他人取笑思考才作出反應。 本研究以便利抽樣方式進行問巻調查,以國內金融產業員工為實證研究對象,共回收328份,利用結構方程模式(SEM)檢定本研究假設。研究結果發現(1)內控型人格特質對比馬龍效應有顯著正向影響(2)比馬龍效應對於知識分享Type A快速回饋有顯著正向影響(3)比馬龍效應對於知識分享Type B認知反思有顯著正向影響(4)比馬龍效應對於知識分享Type C情感反思有顯著負向影響。因此,企業應該調整正向比馬龍效應管理行為,以塑造員工信任感環境,同時積極提昇員工間信任感,方能促進員工間樂於有效知識分享。 關鍵字:內控型人格特質、知識分享、比馬龍效應
Knowledge sharing is very essential to enterprise sustaition and development. Even if the recipient is willing to make efforts actively to obtain knowledge, staff may not be willing to share knowledge and to colleagues. Employees fear their power or position under threat, unwilling to share knowledge. The reason to inhibit some employees to share knowledge may from individual characteristeics or from managerial practice. Thus, this study focused on internal control personalities as individual characteristics, and Pygmalion effect as the perception fo managerial practice to explore their correlates to three types of attitude towards knowledge-sharing (i.e., fast and automatic (Type A), cognitive reflection (Type B) and affective reflection (Type C). Type A knowledge sharing involves one providing a fast and automatic affective reflection response afterreceiving a message. Type B of knowledge sharing involves one providing a response after cognitive reflection. Type C of knowledge sharing involves one providing a response after affective reflection. Useful data of 328 were collected from bank industry, then subjected to confirmatory factor analysis with structural equation modeling (SEM). The results showed that (1) internal locus of control was positively related to Pygmalion effect, (2) Pygmalion effect was positively related to fast and automatic (Type A) knowledge sharing (3) Pygmalion effect was positively related to cognitive reflection (Type B) knowledge sharing (4) Pygmalion effect was negatively related to Type C knowledge sharing. Therefore, enterprise managers should adjust managerial pratice to enhance positive Pygmalion effect to shape the trust climate of organizations to promote the sharing of knowledge among employees. Keyword:Internal locus of control, knowledge sharing, Pygmalion effect



內控型人格特質, 知識分享, 比馬龍效應, Internal locus of control, knowledge sharing, Pygmalion effect





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