華語文溝通教學策略研究--- 以5C融入之AP中文教學為例

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基於AP中文課程與測驗揭櫫的5C目標對華語文教學所帶來的衝擊,有必要對5C目標融入的可行策略進行深入的理解,本研究的目的在建構5C融入華語文溝通教學的策略方案,並經由教學實踐探討實施成效、困難與限制,提出結論與建議供未來華語文教學與研究在5C融入華語文溝通教學策略上的參考。 研究發現,研究者建構的5C融入的溝通教學策略,在華語文溝通教學上確見成效,學生在閱讀理解、人際互動與表達演示模式的溝通能力以及5C內容目標的學習上均有進步;不只學習動機提高、溝通能力增強、文化理解加深,而且因中文學習而與在地社區互動深入,更開始學習進入以中文批判思考與後設認知的層次。整體而言,5C融入溝通教學可加深加廣並延伸中文學習,使其活潑、多元、貼近生活,更提升文化學習的興趣並賦予意義,但5C目標的說明與研究培訓不足,以及未汲取AP其他語言課程之經驗作為借鏡,增加AP中文教學實踐上的困擾。 基於研究結果,本研究提出以下建議:教學實踐上要慎選教材、善用學習單、大量演練、加強自信、注重寫作選題、比較語言文化、融入社區服務、加強漢字手寫,而AP中文課程須清楚說明5C、提供研習培訓、注重文化概念、融入手寫評量,建議未來研究可採取不同取徑、聚焦其他目標或進行跨學科成效研究。
The 5Cs of the AP Chinese course and exam have re-defined the teaching strategies of Chinese Language Teaching; in order to rise to the challenge, this research aimed to provide insight into the feasibility of the 5Cs by constructing six teaching strategies that integrated 5Cs and putting them into praxis to learn their effects, difficulties and limitation. Through data analysis, conclusions derived and suggestions were made to the teacher practitioners, the AP Board and the future researchers of the Chinese Language Teaching. The research results indicated that the 5C-integrated teaching strategies enhanced students’ communication ability and improved student performance in the interpretive, interpersonal and presentational communication modes. The overall teaching effects included the enhancement of motivation and communication ability, initial development of critical thinking and meta-cognitive learning in Chinese, in-depth interaction with the local community and comprehensive understanding of the Chinese culture. Conclusions were that 5C-integrating enriched Chinese learning, enlivened Chinese teaching and enhanced the meaning of cultural learning; and that further research and professional development as well as the experience of the existing AP language courses would benefit praxis. Suggestions were made to teacher practitioners on material choosing, worksheet using, practice ensuring, student confidence improving, writing topic selecting, language and culture comparing, community service integrating and hand-writing emphasizing; to AP Board on 5C concepts clarifying, workshop opportunities providing, cultural concepts emphasizing and hand-writing test integrating; to future researchers on different approaches taking, other goals (besides Communication) investigating and cross-discipline language courses researching.



華語文教學, AP中文教學, 溝通教學策略, Chinese Language Teaching, AP Chinese Teaching, instructional strategies on communication, 5Cs, 3 modes

