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演唱家除了能留下影音資料之外,還能留下些什麼給世人呢?與其相關的文件資料也深具珍貴價值。在席慕德教授的同意與授權之下,筆者透過檔案人物的介紹與目錄編纂的方式,豐富且多樣化地呈現檔案資料。根據相關史料加入口述內容與親身訪談,將檔案物件與故事再整理一次。並將所收集到的檔案資料進行歸納與整理,以拋磚引玉的心,將席慕德教授在聲樂界的努力耕耘與貢獻忠實呈現,以檔案目錄的呈現方式於附錄中。 論文共分四章,第一章緒論中包含研究動機與目的、研究範圍與內容及研究方法與步驟。第二章將席慕德生平事略分為歌唱的啟蒙、專業的演唱、輝煌的教學及退而不休的生活。第三章呈現席慕德演唱表演的檔案資料,包含音樂會節目單、報紙文章及舞台表演照片,同時針對幾項具有代表性及重要的表演物件資料來做分析與討論。第四章以德文藝術歌曲教學與學術著作與期刊、報紙寫作、出版書籍為核心。最後一章為結論,感謝席慕德教授在音樂教育上多年的努力經營與付出及對檔案資料保存的貢獻。
Besides leaving some video documents, what else can a vocalist leave for the world? In fact, other types of relevant documents can also be very precious and valuable. Authorized and supervised by Phyllis Gomda Hsi, the researcher rearranged relevant files and stories, adding some oral information and interview contents according to the literature which has been found. The purpose of this thesis is to present the insperation and the dedication of Professor Hsi in her singing and teaching career. There are four chapters in this study. Chapter I. includes motivation, field research and methods. In chapter II. the researcher divided Professor Hsi’s vocalist career into the enlightenment period, professional period, teaching period, and retirement life. As for chapter III. the research presented the concert documents of Professor Hsi, including her concert programs, newspaper clippings, reviews, and photos. Besides, the researcher also focused on the analysis and discussion on some representative and essential materials. Finally, in chapter IV, the study emphasized on her teaching and publication of German art songs. Finally, because of Professor Hsi’s dedication on file preservation the last chapter reaffirmed Professor Hsi’s dedication on music education and the importance of files preservation.



席慕德, 資料整理, 檔案目錄, Phyllis Gomda Hsi, Data compilation, Archive





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