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演奏藝術的提升,有賴創作的推動。上海音樂學院於2010年舉辦全國高等音樂藝術院校二胡教學創作學術論壇,期盼將二胡藝術推向新的高峰。而本文所探討的作品,為此次大賽中,創作手法不同於以其他作品,最終榮獲三等獎的《紅土印象》。在這樣一個參賽者皆具作曲專業背景,競爭如此激烈的大賽中,《紅土印象》不似其餘作品以超現代、炫技為主之高難度技法創作,反而以旋律作為創作主軸,因此吸引了筆者欲進一步瞭解這首樂曲以及作曲家曲大衛的創作理念。 本詮釋報告主要先透過樂曲、雲南音樂、創作手法等三方面進行文獻分析,並針對作品向作曲家和首演者訪談相關問題,再以樂曲分析、影音觀察,提出個人對這首新作品的見解與演奏詮釋,以完成研究。 《紅土印象》是曲大衛第一首具代表性的二胡作品,他利用了動機、調式、旋律、和聲等來表現雲南音樂素材,並運用曲式的結構,讓富有歌唱性的主題不斷再現、變化,使得樂曲充分展現了他對於旋律美和聽眾聽得懂兩個面向的創作理念。其作品雖然單純,但從比賽結果也可看出評審對於這條路的肯定,同時也再次體現了旋律於國樂作品中的重要性。
The process of performing arts depends on the impetus of compositions. Shanhai Conservatory of Music has held the 2010 National Academic Seminar on Erhu Teaching and Composition in Music Universities and Colleges in China to push erhu arts to another peak. The piece, The Impression of Red Territory, the study is going to discuss is so distinctive from others concerning the composing method that is given the third place in the competition. In this professional and severe competition, not similar to others entries, The Impression of Red Territory puts emphasis on the melodic lines of erhu instead of the modern, complex and highly difficult performing techniques. This concern is also the reason encouraging this study to analyze the piece and to comprehend David Qu’s, the composer, composing concepts. The study starts from literature reviews in three aspects: the piece itself, music in Yunnan area and composing methods. Next, the researcher will arrange interviews with the composer and the performer who made the debut of Qu’s entry to clarify related issues. On the other hand, based on the former data and results of the music analysis and video observation discussed, the researchers will provide personal viewpoints and performing interpretation concerning the piece to conclude the whole study. The Impression of Red Territory is a representative erhu work David Qu. He presents musical materials of Yunnan area through motif, mode, melody and harmony, taking the advantage of musical form to continuously represent and vary the melodic theme , and makes the piece fully display his two composing idea: one is the melodic music, the other is to be understood. Though the whole piece is simple and pure, we can see the confirmation by the juries from the competition result, and that also reflects the importance of melody in compositions of Chinese music.



曲大衛, 《紅土印象》, 二胡, 2010年全國高等音樂藝術院校二胡教學創作學術論壇, David Qu, The Impression of Red Territory, Erhu, 2010 National Academic Seminar on Erhu Teaching and Composition in Music Universities and Colleges





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