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Gin-Hong Lee
Chih-Chia Wang
Kuo-Inn Tsou
Hou-Chang Chiu
Ming-Teh Lin
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Department of Educational Psychology, NTNU
Department of Educational Psychology, NTNU
Background: In the past, teachers used to ask medical students to reflect on their clinical experience through free-fonn writing. In this study, a stractured form called multi-dimentional writing, better understanding of students' psychological and cognitive reactions toward clinical ethical problems could be expected. Methods: Twenty-six medical school students who were taking the compulsory course “Medical Ethics" participated in the current study. Seventeen of them were males and 9 of them were females. Participants were asked to each complete a Critical Incident Report (CIR) (Griffin, 2003) on an ethically sensitive event they had found unforgettable during their practicum in their 5th year of medical school. The CIR contained eight columns: what, emotions, why, classification, general meaning, professional standards, position, and actions. The data obtained from the CIR written by these 26 students with consent was subjected to a qualitative analysis. Both the experts' and the students' classification of the events on their CIRs were compared to ethical principles listed by medical ethics experts according to each student's event report.
Background: In the past, teachers used to ask medical students to reflect on their clinical experience through free-fonn writing. In this study, a stractured form called multi-dimentional writing, better understanding of students' psychological and cognitive reactions toward clinical ethical problems could be expected. Methods: Twenty-six medical school students who were taking the compulsory course “Medical Ethics" participated in the current study. Seventeen of them were males and 9 of them were females. Participants were asked to each complete a Critical Incident Report (CIR) (Griffin, 2003) on an ethically sensitive event they had found unforgettable during their practicum in their 5th year of medical school. The CIR contained eight columns: what, emotions, why, classification, general meaning, professional standards, position, and actions. The data obtained from the CIR written by these 26 students with consent was subjected to a qualitative analysis. Both the experts' and the students' classification of the events on their CIRs were compared to ethical principles listed by medical ethics experts according to each student's event report.