
dc.contributorDeng Yu Haoen_US
dc.contributor.authorChen Yen Tingen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在分析國(初)中公民教科書法治教育內涵之演變。本研究採用歷史研究法與比較研究法,研究對象為1952、1962、1968、1972、1983、1994、2000、2005年版共8個版次的公民教科書,而在九年一貫課程實施之前,為國立編譯館的統編本,開放民編之後,則採用民編本的翰林版。本研究以法治教育的呈現方式與實質內容兩個面向探討法治教育的內涵。就前者,再進一步分為「教學單元與活動」以及「編輯形式」兩項主題;而後者則分為「法治精神」、「基本人權」、「法律形成過程」與「法律體系與法律基本原理」等四項主題進行討論。本研究根據這六項主題探究國(初)中公民教科書法治教育內涵之演變,並依據研究結果提供相關建議與未來研究方向。於此,分列數點說明本研究之發現如下: 一、從「教學單元與活動」的演變,發現法治教育內涵與政治和社會環境的發展關係密切,隨著我國社會的法治化程度提高,教學單元與活動中所呈現的法律種類與面向越來越多元。 二、從「編輯形式」的演變,發現其受制於現實環境與升學考試結構,由過去一度因應教育理念而設計的多元活動,逐漸窄化改為以紙筆評量為主。 三、從「法治精神」的演變,發現課文內容對法治精神的敘述,已逐漸由法制(rule by law)觀念轉變為法治(rule of law)觀念。 四、從「基本人權」的演變,發現課文內容所介紹的權利態樣越來越豐富,由過去僅介紹憲法中的四種基本人民權利,逐步增加如消費者權益、環境權、媒體近用權、隱私權等。 五、從「法律形成過程」的演變,發現歷來均著重在介紹法律的法定制定程序,如修憲、立法的法定程序,以及命令制定的類型等。 六、從「法律體系與法律基本原理」的演變,發現在過去,教科書內容對憲法與國際法的介紹最為完整,至1994年版後,憲法與國際法的內容縮減,擴增了刑法、民法、行政法、訴訟法之內容,至2005年版,更進一步強化法律基本原理的說明,如罪刑法定原則、無罪推定原則等;並增加如性別平等教育法、家庭暴力防治法等新興法律領域的介紹。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe aim of the current research is to analyze the development of law-related education content in the junior high school civic education textbooks. In this research, both the historical research approach and comparative research method are adopted. The eight editions of junior high school civic education textbooks published in 1952, 1962, 1968, 1972, 1983, 1994, 2000, and 2005 are included for analysis. Prior to the implementation of the Grade 1-9 Curriculum, the textbooks are the national version compiled by National Institute for Compilation and Translation while for the period after the Grade 1-9 Curriculum, the Han-Lin Publishing version is chosen for this study. In this study, two aspects of law-related education content are involved: the presentation and the content of law-related education. The former can be separated into two themes, including “lesson units and activities” and “ compilation format”, and there are four themes for the latter which are “The Spirit of the Laws”, “Basic Human Rights”, “The Legal Process”, and “The Legal System and The Basic Principles of the Laws”. Based on these six themes, this research analyzes the development of law-related education content in civic education textbooks in junior high schools. Implications for practitioners and future research are made according to the findings which are listed below. 1. From the development of lesson units and activities, it was found that the content of law-related education is related to the development of social and political environment. With the enhancement of the rule of law in our society, the aspects and the types of the laws presented in lesson units and activities are more diverse. 2. From the development of compilation format, it was found that it is restricted by the school environment and the entrance examinations. There are a lot of activities designed by the educational tenets then has now been narrowed to paper-pencil tests. 3. From the development of “The Spirit of the Rule of Law”, it was that the content of textbook has changed from “the rule by law” to “the rule of law.” 4. From the development of “Basic Human Rights”, it was found that there are more and more human rights presented in the textbooks. The earlier editions cover mostly only the four types of basic human rights protected by the Constitution while the later versions are broadened to cover consumer sovereignty, environment right, the right of access to mass media, and the right to privacy. 5. From the development of “The Legal Process”, it was that the content of the textbooks has mostly focused on the regulation of lawmaking such as the constitutional amendment process, the legislative process and the types of administrative orders. 6. From the development of “The Legal System and The Basic Principles of the Laws”, it was found that the content of Constitution and foreign policy were abundant in earlier editions, decreased after the 1994 edition and the content of the Civil Code, the Criminal Code, the Administrative Law, and the Code of Procedure has increased. In the 2005 edition, more basic principles of law were presented in the textbooks, including the presumption of innocence and the adversarial system. In addition, there are newly enacted laws like the Gender Equity Education Act and the Domestic Violence Prevention Act presented in the textbooks.en_US
dc.subjectlaw-related educationen_US
dc.subjectcivic education textbooken_US
dc.subjecthistorical researchen_US
dc.subjectcomparative researchen_US
dc.titleThe Development of Law-Related Education Content in the Junior High School Civic Education Textbooken_US


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