
dc.contributorChiu, Ming-Hsinen_US
dc.contributor.authorChuang, Wen-Hanen_US
dc.description.abstract隨著健康資訊取得便利,大眾健康意識的提升,健康資訊尋求被視為一個普遍的現象,但健康資訊迴避卻極少被大眾所察覺,而慢性疾病患者因接觸健康資訊頻率較一般大眾高,對資訊的接收或迴避直接影響患者的醫療決策和健康維持。因此本研究目的是為了深入瞭解健康資訊迴避現象,由揭示患者的健康資訊迴避行為和原因、發掘可減少健康資訊迴避之契機,協助衛教單位建置健康資訊、提醒患者檢視自身的資訊尋求行為,避免遺漏有益之資訊。 本研究以第二型糖尿病患者為對象,透過關鍵事件訪談法來蒐集資料,總共訪談了10位患者,研究結果發現:患者受到生理、心理、個人認知、外在環境四個層面的因素影響,會出現輕度迴避、選擇性迴避、潛在迴避、完全迴避四個不同程度之健康資訊迴避行為。從中發現促使患者減少迴避之契機包括急迫的健康資訊需求、對健康資訊內容產生興趣、醫生積極的回應、簡單易懂的資訊提供方式以及敘述完整的健康資訊內容。 依據研究結果整理出一個第二型糖尿病患者健康資訊迴避行為框架,並提出結論如下:患者的資訊需求集中於飲食和藥物資訊、網際網路為患者首選的資訊來源管道、健康資訊迴避行為不限於病程之特定時期、健康資訊迴避行為與尋求行為可能同時發生、患者多因心理壓力而迴避資訊、患者在無法與健康資訊良好溝通時迴避資訊、與資訊提供者有良好的互動可減少資訊迴避、健康資訊內容引起關注可增強資訊需求。最後針對醫療照護等單位提出實務以及未來研究建議。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAlong with the convenience of receiving health information and the rise of public health consciousness, seeking health information is regarded as a common phenomenon. However, the public is seldom aware of health information avoidance behaviors. As for chronic patients, because they contact health information more frequently than healthy people, the receiving and avoidance of information directly influence the medical decision and healthy maintenance of patients. Therefore, this study aims to deeply discuss health information avoidance phenomena. By discovering patients’ behavior and reasons of health information avoidance to reduce the health information avoidance behaviors, assist the health organizations to build up the health information and remind patients to inspect their own behavior of information searching to avoid missing the helpful information. This study refers to Type 2 diabetics as a target and uses the Critical Incident Technique to collect data. There are ten patients interviewed. According to the research results, patients will occur four kinds of health information avoidance behaviors, such as light avoidance, selective avoidance, hidden avoidance and full avoidance that are affected by four level factors, including physiological, psychological, personal cognition and outer environment. This study also finds that the key points which promote patients to reduce information avoidance behaviors include the urgent health information needs, interest on health information, active response from doctors, simple and easy to understood ways of information supplying and completely described health information. According to the findings, this study organizes a frame of health information avoidance for Type 2 diabetics and draws conclusions as below. The information needs of patients focus on diet and medicine information. The internet is the first choice to get information for patients. Patients usually avoid information because of mental pressure. In addition, patients avoid information when they have difficulties to seek or understand health information. The behavior of health information avoidance is not limited in a specific period. The behavior of health information avoidance and seeking might occur simultaneously. It also could decrease information avoidance if patients interact well with information providers. Otherwise, the more attention about health information contents, the more information needs. Finally, this study proposes practical suggestions for medical and health organizations regarding diabetes.en_US
dc.subjectinformation avoidanceen_US
dc.subjecthealth information avoidanceen_US
dc.subjecthealth information behavioren_US
dc.subjecttype 2 diabetes mellitusen_US
dc.titleA Study on Health Information Avoidance Behaviors of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patientsen_US

