普通高中校訂必修課程的想像與發展: 跨域整合及在地思考

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本研究旨在探究十二年國民基本教育普通高中校訂必修課程的想像與發展,以星光高中(化名)為研究對象,發展校訂必修(擺接風華)課程為例,此課程結合學校在地人文地景資源,透過教師專業學習社群發展跨領域合作實踐學校本位課程之發展。探究其建構校訂必修「擺接風華」課程方案、發展歷程及未來課程實施之可能成效,以做為十二年國教普通高中課程未來發展之參考。 本研究採質性研究法,透過文獻分析、文件分析、焦點團體座談以及半結構式訪談,及研究者本身即為教師社群的參與者與研究者,透過行動研究來建立課程方案及課程評估。研究參與者除研究者本身以外,還包含教師專業社群成員及學生,協助檢視課程規畫並提供建議。 綜合文獻探討、研究歷程與教師回饋,獲致以下結論: 一、校訂必修課程設計需依據十二年國教課程綱要的規範,包含課程類型及學分數的規定。 二、以在地思考發展校訂必修課程,建立學校特色。 三、跨域合作為校訂必修課程發展的必要模式。 最後根據研究結果,對普通高中校訂必修課程及後續研究提出建議: 一、 校訂必修的課程設計需符合十二年國教課綱的定位,課程設計者需熟悉了解課綱並轉化成教學實施及反思性實踐。 二、 校訂必修課程就像學校的身分證,彰顯一所學校的靈魂及門面,課程設計需與學校願景結合,以學生圖像作為課程目標,以學校整體課程地圖做系統思考,以實踐真正的「跨域」整合。 三、 從有到更好,盤整學校內外部資源,並借鏡新課綱前導學校的發展經驗,善用課綱的空間及契機進行課程與教學變革。 四、 建立學校課程發展機制,展開課程協作新文化。 五、 未來可從不同學校發展校訂必修的課程模式及課程類型進行研究,希冀可以建立分析校訂必修課程形塑的架構模式,逐漸形成校訂必修課程的在地行動知識,作為學校課程發展和學術研究的重要參考。
Abstract The development of school-based Compulsive Course in Normal Senior High School Interdisciplinary Combination and Local Reflection. This master thesis is the investigation of the development of based on 12-year compulsory education law passed. The thesis takes School-based Compulsive Subject in Sing-Guang Senior High School for example. Not only discuss the structure of the “Peitsie culture” which is a course combine the local culture and humanities but also the development and the results. This studies use the Qualitative Research Method, through literature review, document research, focus group and semi-structured interview to establish the program and evaluation of the curriculum. The participants of this program are including students, teachers which are from professional group and the author of this study. They are provide suggestion and help to view the plan of the curriculum. To sum up the citation analysis, research collection procedure and feedback of participants, I can get make some conclusions as follows: 1.The school-based compulsive curriculum have to based on 12-year compulsory education law based which is including the types of curriculum and the credits regulations. 2. The School-based Compulsive Course have to immersed in the local culture of school which is emphasize the school feature. 3.The interdisciplinary Combination is the best model of the curriculum development. According to the research conclusion, against to the development of Schoolbased Compulsive Course in Normal Senior High School and the research in the future provide some suggestions as below: 1. Because of the curriculum have to based on the 12-year compulsory education law based, the designer of the curriculum have to familiar to the curriculum guidelines and transfer to the teaching method into practice . 2. School-based Compulsive Course just like the identity card of school which is show the quintessence of school. So the design of the curriculum have to combine with the school the vision and set the goal which is made by the maps of student abilities. Stand with the curriculum maps of whole school and put the interdisciplinary combination into practice. 3. Integrating the resource of the school and taking the model school as reference. Using the wiggle room of the curriculum guidelines and implement the changes of the program. 4. Establish the course development of school and start to bring more difference in curriculum invention. 5. The studies in the future can focus on the difference between many school-based compulsive course and hope these studies can analysis the building mode of curriculum which will raise the conscious of the local knowledge operation to school or academic research for important reference.



十二年國教課綱, 課程發展, 校訂必修, 跨域整合, 在地思考, 12-year basic education formation of general curriculum guidelines, Curriculum development, School-based Compulsive Course, Interdisciplinary Combination, Local Reflection

