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本研究旨在瞭解幼兒的情緒表達與其「嬰兒手語」學習經驗間的關聯。並檢視受試幼兒的年齡、性別、排行、家庭社經地位、氣質等背景變項,在「嬰兒手語」學習經驗與情緒表達關聯間的差異性。採實驗室觀察法,選擇台北地區曾在某四所幼兒教育機構中19對學過嬰兒手語課程和21對未學過嬰兒手語課程的親子(共40對),至實驗室中參與情緒情境的觀察。情緒的情境分為初始的高興情緒、初始的害怕情緒和後續的害怕情緒因應等。並以學步兒氣質量表蒐集受試幼兒的氣質資料,也進行貝萊嬰兒心理發展測驗,控制受試幼兒智力發展因素的影響。研究發現: 一、 受試幼兒中,59%以聲音手勢,36%以語言手勢來表達初始的高興情緒。69%的受試幼兒會以語言手勢來表達初始的害怕情緒。多數幼兒(81.25%)僅使用一種或兩種方式因應害怕情緒。 二、 對於害怕情緒的後續因應會使用三種調節方式者,有嬰兒手語學習經驗的幼兒42.9%可以做到,但沒有嬰兒手語學習經驗者則無此表現。相對地,只使用一種調節方式者,沒有嬰兒手語學習經驗的幼兒中61.6%屬之,而有嬰兒手語學習經驗的幼兒只有21.4%表現此行為。 三、 曾學過嬰兒手語的幼兒比沒有嬰兒手語學習經驗的幼兒,在害怕情境中,會使用較多類次的後續情緒因應方式,尤其在下列背景變項中特別明顯:年齡小、男生、女生、無兄姊、和固執型氣質。 關鍵詞:嬰兒手語、幼兒、情緒表達
The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between young children’s emotional expressions and Baby Sign learning experiences. In addition, the other background factors, such as children’s sex, age, temperament, and the ranking of siblings were examined. To observe young children’s emotional expressions in happy and scary situations, 40 mothers and their children who live in the Taipei area, participated in this study. A total of 19 participants had learned about Baby Signs, and 21 had none. Toddler Temperament Scale was used to understand young children’s temperament characteristics, and Bayley Scale of Infant Development was used to assess children’s MDI. The results showed as following: (1)59% of young children used “sound-gesture,” and 36% of them used “gesture-language” to express their initial emotion in happy situation. In scary situation, 69% of young children used “gesture-language” to express their initial emotion and 81.25% of young children used less than two kinds of strategy to comfort their scare. (2)There were 42.9% of young children who had learned the Baby Signs, used three kinds of comfort strategies while none was found in those who had never learned the Baby Signs. In same scary situation, 61.1% of those who had no experience of Baby Signs only used one strategy, while 21.4% were found in those who had learned the Baby Signs. (3)Young children who had learned about Baby Signs used more different kinds of strategies to accommodate their scare, and it was significantly on those who had no older siblings, in a young aged, girls, boys and with stubborn temperament. Keywords: baby signs, emotional express, young children



嬰兒手語, 幼兒, 情緒表達, baby signs, children, emotional express

