
dc.contributorTseng, Chin Chinen_US
dc.contributor.authorNGUYEN THI NHU TINHen_US
dc.description.abstract近年來,隨著越南籍人士的華語學習熱潮,眾多學者針對越籍學習者的華語發音進行了語音偏誤之相關研究,其中在聲調方面,研究結果發現華語第一和四聲是越籍學習者的語音難點; 學習者在發第一、四聲會發生兩者混淆情形(陳氏金鸞2005、吳門吉、胡明光2004,韓明2005,林均芳2013等)。相關的研究雖然已獲得一定的結果,不過至目前針對越籍學習者的實際華語聲調訓練課程還很缺乏。 此外,在學習目標語的過程中,語音是學生在最初階段會接觸到的系統,而華語聲調對外國學生來說一向都是學習難點(朱川2015)。語音的訓練最好要趁早進行,避免讓偏誤石化難以改正。有鑒於此,本論文鎖定初級程度的越籍華語學習者,去了解他們的華語聲調偏誤情形,同時試著在MyCT華語線上學習平台製作聲調訓練課程,經過發音前測、課程訓練與發音後測的實驗了解其偏誤以及該課程的成效。此外,由於本文的受試者是分別來自越南北部河內市及南部胡志明市的兩名個案,筆者將初步探討其之偏誤情形的異同之處。 本研究共五章。第一章介紹本論文的研究背景、動力、目的、問題與相關名詞的解釋。第二章進行相關的文獻探討,包括中介語理論、越南籍學習者華語聲調偏誤相關研究的回顧,華語聲調訓練策略與數位多媒體華語課程的理論基礎。此外,將對照華越聲調系統以及南北越聲調的異同,找出學習者的母語對目標語可能會產生的正遷移及負遷移,預測聲調學習難點。接著,進行實測越語聲調,掌握其調值及特點。第三章說明研究方法。第四章進行發音前測、課程訓練及發音後測的結果分析與相關討論。第五章總結研究成果,回顧研究限制,最後提出教學建議及後續展望。 研究結果指出,在發音前測部分,偏誤比率由大到小的順序為第四聲 > 第二聲 > 第一聲 > 第三聲;在後測部分,偏誤比率由大到小的順序為第四聲 > 第一聲 > 第二聲 > 第三聲。審聽結果指出偏誤類型為:第一聲和第四聲混淆以及第二聲和第三聲混淆。其中,第四聲發成第一聲的偏誤多於第一聲發成第四聲;第二聲發成第三聲的偏誤多於第三聲發成第二聲。課程訓練方面,受試者者的成績皆在74分以上(最高為100分),經過課程訓練後,第二、三、四聲的偏誤比率減少;第一聲的偏誤比率增多。北越學習者和南越學習者的偏誤比較結果顯示他們的聲調偏誤率和偏誤類型皆具有異同之處。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractRecently, learning Mandarin has always been a popular choice for Vietnamese, leading to the promoting study on Mandarin pronunciations and tones for Vietnamese. Many studies have shown that tone 1 and tone 4 are the most difficult for Vietnamese learners and to mistake tone 1 and tone 4 (Tran Thi Thanh Loan (2005), Ngo Mon Cat& Ho Minh Quang (2004), Han Minh (2005), Lam Quan Phuong (2013), etc.). Although the current studies have achieved some merits, there is still a lack of the pronunciation training of Mandarin tones for Vietnamese learners. In the Mandarin pronunciations system, Mandarin tones are the difficult issue for foreign leaners (Chu Xuyen (2015)). Additionally, the pronunciation training is suggested to be considered as soon as possible; otherwise, they will face the fossilization issue. Based on the above concerns, this study will focus in the beginning Vietnamese learners by finding the Mandarin tonal errors then setting up the pronunciation training online for Mandarin tones on the MyCT software. Three research steps were conducted as follows: Mandarin tones pretest  Mandarin tones training by using MyCT (three times)  Mandarin tones posttest. Then, the effect of training will be evaluated based on the data collection and data analysis. The content has 5 chapters as follows: • Chapter 1: Introduction that includes motivation and objective research. The explaination of speciality terms are also included in this chapter. • Chapter 2: Fundamental of argument, including interlanguage, reviewing the studies on Mandarin tones concerns for Vietnamese learners. Additionally, the methods to correct the pronunciation for Mandarin tones and to design the training online are also be introduced. Following is to investigate methodically by comparing the tone system between Chinese and Vietnamese and the diversity of Southern and Northern Vietnamese tone system. After that, the Mandarin tonal errors that might be made by Southern and Northern Vietnamese learners could be predicted. • Chapter 3: to propose the research methodology and outline the research design, etc. • Chapter 4: data collection, data analysis, and discussion. • Chapter 5: summary and recommendations. Although much of improvement has been obtained, how to achieve better teaching, as well as learning Mandarin will be suggested. The result shows that the ratio Mandarin tonal errors in the pretest as follows (high to low): tone 4 > tone 2 > tone 1 > tone 3. Its errors in the posttest as follows: tone 4 > tone 1 > tone 2 > tone 3. There are some types of error have been found, such as: to confuse tone 4 with tone 1, and tone 2 and tone 3. In details, the ratio Mandarin tonal error of tone 4 becomes tone 1 is higher than that of tone 1 becomes tone 4. Similarly, the ratio Mandarin tonal error of tone 2 becomes tone 3 is higher than that of tone 3 becomes tone 2. Regarding the pronunciation training, all candidates have the scores higher than 74 (the scale of 100). After applying the pronunciation training, all the tones achieve the ratio Mandarin tonal errors decrease, except for the tone 1.en_US
dc.subjectMandarin teachingen_US
dc.subjectMandarin tonesen_US
dc.subjectcomparative analysis of Mandarin’s tones and Vietnamese’s tonesen_US
dc.subjectonline pronunciation trainingen_US
dc.titleA Case Study of Mandarin Chinese Tone Training: Error Corrections in Pronunciation for beginning Vietnamese learnersen_US


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