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本論文的主要目標是設計能解決登山者清潔問題的產品,以文獻考據法將登山相關資料應用在創作作品分析。為了更瞭解登山者在登山過程中所使用的產品,研究者參考登山相關文獻,釐清登山者從登山前的準備工作、開始登山的情況以及到達目的地後折返等各個階段的登山歷程,瞭解到食物、水源以及禦寒衣物為登山者維持體能最重要的部分。文獻探討中研究者發現登山者礙於水源取得不易,常無法徹底清潔身體,因此設計供應登山者使用之清潔用品,對登山者會有很大助益。 一般人通常每天會沐浴以求舒適,登山活動消耗大量體力,汗水及灰塵黏附在身體上,如果不好好清理想必會十分難受。因此研究者想仿照乾洗手的作法,設計一個能夠不使用水也能清洗身體的工具「山洗澡」,如此登山者能夠在不浪費水的情況下,就能保持身體的清潔舒適,並且不會製造污染環境的廢棄物。
The aim of this thesis is designing a product to resolve cleaning problems which climbers meet during the mountaineering, the method to carry out this thesis was using literature review to apply to the creation. The researcher had referred to many related studies to understand the preparation before mountaineering, the process during climbing and the situation on climbers’ way of return, and found 3 factors are very important to support climber’s life, they are food, water and clothing, it may cause danger if one of them is insufficient. According to the related surveys, climbers can’t clean their body thoroughly because water is not approachable. Due to the problem, it would be helpful to climbers if a cleaning product for climbers is designed. In normal, people would take a bath at least once a day, mountain climbing is an intensive activity, uncomfortable feeling will cause if someone do not take a shower after climbing, sweat and dust result to a sticky feeling which is unbearable. Therefore, the goal of this thesis is to develop a product , Mountain shower ,to help climbers cleaning their body without water, thus, climbers can keep their body clean without using water, moreover, it is pollution free and waste free.



產品設計, 登山, product design, mountain climbing





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