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本研究針對台灣都會地區,退休老人的原居住社區就地發展形成銀髮社區,做初步的探討規劃。主要研究目的在於:一、探討都市原有社區轉型為老年社區期間,友善社區環境應具備的各種服務項目,歸納出一份原社區成功轉型高齡化社區的架構圖。二、提出假設性的友善服務計畫建議,研擬可行性之高齡社區服務與照顧機構之設置和樓層規劃,並整理成一份社區文宣冊。 從許多先進國家的經驗中關於高齡照護發展的趨勢觀察到,老人服務與社區照顧已經是社會福利政策的主流。本研究主要分為三個部分。第一、文獻資料,探討「機構式照顧」和「社區式照顧」的高齡者居住型態、高齡化社會所產生的各項老人問題和社區環境的改善對高齡族群的重要性。第二、專案調查,以台北市的青田社區作個案研究,探討其歷史文化和分析其社區人口年齡結構,就實地觀察的社區環境和受訪的老人需求做連結。第三、專案製作,根據調查結果提出假設性的高齡居民居住的友善服務計畫之具體建議,以符合就地老化的政策為目標。此外,創作主題以「青田映像」文宣冊來呈現青田社區的友善環境,以做為未來研究人員在老人社區服務之參考。 最後結論提出以社區為單位讓老人獲得離家近的服務機構,內容包含了心理照顧和生活照顧兩個層面,讓高齡者安心的居住在原本熟悉的社區生活,延緩入住機構的時間,達成生活正常化(Normalization)、就地終老(Aging in Place)的環境。及早擬定完整的社區服務計畫,是未來高齡化社會政策的重要發展。
This is a preliminary study focusing on communities in metropolitan Taiwan that have gradually developed from metropolitan communities into elderly communities. The main research purposes are as follows: 1) to discover the service categories that elderly-friendly communities should offer when metropolitan communities transform into ageing communities, and to determine the structure of successful transitions from metropolitan to aging communities; 2) to construct a viable friendly care service project proposal for the establishment of an ageing community services and care facility and its floor plans, and furthermore, to gather relevant information into a community brochure. As observed in elderly care development trend experiences of many advanced countries, elderly services and community care have become the mainstream in terms of social welfare policies. This research is divided into three sections. First, a literature review is conducted to explore the problems in living patterns of the elderly within “facility care” and “community care,” that come with aging societies, and the importance of improving community environments to better accommodate the elderly. Second, ad hoc investigations are conducted in a case study of Chingtien Community, Taipei City, to determine the historical culture of the community, as well as analyze its population age structure, in order that the needs expressed by interviewed elderly residents could be considered along with observations of the community environment’s status. Third, an ad hoc project is executed to propose specific suggestions for a hypothetical friendly care service program for elderly residents, which had been designed to accommodate Aging in Place policies. Furthermore, a creative theme of “Chingtien Impressions” is applied to the design of the community brochure to better represent the elderly friendly environment of the community, and to provide a point of reference for future studies in the field of community service for the elderly. Finally, this study proposes that, within single communities, care facilities should be established to provide accessible services to the elderly in the vicinity of their homes. Services should include both mental care and daily life care services in order that the elderly may comfortably reside in communities already familiar to them, thereby, delaying the need for facility care and attaining the goal of Normalization and Aging in Place for the elderly. Formulating comprehensive community service projects in advance will be vital to the development of future policies on aging societies.



在地老化, 社區照顧, 高齡化, 銀髮族, 友善社區服務, Aging in Place, community care, aging, elderly, riendly community service

