A study of how informal learning effects on creating a culture industry

dc.contributor.authorHuang, M. Yen_US
dc.contributor.authorHong, J. Cen_US
dc.contributor.authorYang, T. Yen_US
dc.contributor.authorChang, Y. Len_US
dc.contributor.authorLian, J.en_US
dc.description.abstractWith the approaching of the knowledge-based economics era, the informal learning is gradually gaining more prevalent. Basically, informal learning is a kind of self-regulated learning in which the differences will be made between the contents people learned, and then, the creativity is generated with that. In order to understand how informal learning effects on creative performance, this study will focus three cultural restaurants, which the purposeful samplings are: Taiwan Story museum-reviving the Taiwan culture of 1965 with restaurant; Cha for Tea restaurant-blending the Chinese tea culture with western cuisine; Salt & Bread restaurant-introducing the Classic Russian food culture to Taiwan. By in-depth interviewing these three restaurants' managers, the results indicate that the idea to deploy culture in this three restaurants are from informal learning which includes the processes of information seeking and knowledge transfer and/or application. Therefore, the purpose of this study will put the emphasis on how and what the way of informal learning and offering a reference of informal learning to start a culture-based restaurant industry.en_US
dc.relationInternational Conference on Redesigning Pedagogy: Culture, Knowledge and Understanding, Singaporeen_US
dc.titleA study of how informal learning effects on creating a culture industryen_US

