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兒童繪本是兒童幼年時期學習的重要教材資源,透過繪本可以學習各種知識 與處理事情的方法,而現代社會中,環境教育、生態保育、環境意識的概念更需 要從小培養,因此本研究目的在分析臺灣生態相關主題的繪本現況,了解兒童能 夠從哪些繪本當中學習並吸收環境生態相關知識與概念。
「里山」是源自日文的一種由森林、埤塘、水圳、農田等景觀組成的日本傳 統的農村環境,里山地景就是由這些不同環境所組成的複合式農村生態系統。日 本環境廳與聯合國大學高等研究所聯手推動的「里山倡議」,則是倡導在農村發 展的同時兼顧生態環境的平衡以達到永續利用的這一目的。
本研究中,從台北市兩所圖書館中取樣了 500 多份的繪本,以動物、生態、 環境相關主題來進行分類,並依據故事內容與生態的相關程度,區分為五個層級 類別。本研究主要討論相關程度之第一類別,此類別中的繪本故事以自然生態、 野生動物、保育意識等相關理念為主。透過樣本分析,可以瞭解生態類型的繪本 之繪畫風格的取向以及故事內容的大致類型。
經由以上分析了解生態類型主題繪本創作的表現形式,再透過深入分析本次 研究主題─里山倡議,從文獻探討中找出創作里山繪本的依據,進行繪本創作,並 於青田十六公開展示。
希望透過本研究提供臺灣繪本創作者更多環境生態類別的故事議題,提升兒 童環境意識,為本土環境生態盡一份心力。
The picture books are an important way for children teaching. Through picture books, children can learn many kinds of knowledge. In nowadays industrialized society, it is crucial to teach the correct concept of environmental education, conservation, and sustainable management to our children. This research focused on analyzing Taiwan’s picture books nowadays and we wish to identify which eco art picture books can help children and or adults learn and understand our planet ecology. In this research we took samples from a library in Taipei. Total of over 500 picture books were divided into groups according to the level of relationship with ecological, animals, environment topics. Only the 1st group is considered for further studies. The in-group is then analyzed and classified by drawing style and by story type. Through this study, we hope to help Taiwan’s picture books creators to be conscious about ecological issues and the environment of Taiwan.
The picture books are an important way for children teaching. Through picture books, children can learn many kinds of knowledge. In nowadays industrialized society, it is crucial to teach the correct concept of environmental education, conservation, and sustainable management to our children. This research focused on analyzing Taiwan’s picture books nowadays and we wish to identify which eco art picture books can help children and or adults learn and understand our planet ecology. In this research we took samples from a library in Taipei. Total of over 500 picture books were divided into groups according to the level of relationship with ecological, animals, environment topics. Only the 1st group is considered for further studies. The in-group is then analyzed and classified by drawing style and by story type. Through this study, we hope to help Taiwan’s picture books creators to be conscious about ecological issues and the environment of Taiwan.
繪本, 里山倡議, 生態保育, 生態繪畫, 創作, picture books, Satoyama Initiative, Ecological Conservation, eco art, pictorial work