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本研究目的在瞭解國立臺灣師範大學僑生先修部學生(以下簡稱僑先部學生)之公民參與意向及其相關因素。為達上述目的,研究者參考ICCS 2009的研究架構與工具進行研究設計與問卷編製,以探討前因變項(antecedents)及歷程變項(process)與僑先部學生公民參與意向之關係。採用的資料分析方法包括:描述統計、單一樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析、Pearson積差相關。茲摘要研究結果如下:
This study intended to explore the expected civic participation and its related factors among Overseas Chinese Students in the National Taiwan Normal University Division of Preparatory Programs (DPPOCS). The International Civic and Citizenship Education Study (ICCS) was used as a reference for developing the present research framework and instruments. The relationships among antecedent variables (students’ characteristics and family backgrounds), the process variables (students’ socialization and learning, family environments, school instructional management) as well as the participants’ civic participations were examined. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, one sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Pearson’s productive-moment correlation coefficient. The major findings are listed as followings: (1) Overseas Chinese Students in DPPOCS were willing to participate in electoral activities. However, only few of them were willing to engage in illegal protests, political activities, and informal political participation. (2) Overseas Chinese students in DPPOCS at the age more than 20 have a higher significant difference than students at the age under 18 in illegal protests. Male students have higher significant difference than female students in illegal protests and other political activities. Students of fall-term class have a higher significant difference than students of spring-term class in illegal protests. About participation of electoral activities, students of spring-term class have higher significant difference in comparison with students of fall-term class and special guidance class. Students of special guidance class and of division I have higher significant difference than students of division II, while students of division III have significant difference than students of any other division in illegal protests. Overseas Chinese students from Hong Kong, Macau and Indonesia have significant difference than students of Malaysia while Malaysian students show higher significant difference on comparison with any other countries in electoral activities. Students who receive higher education have significant difference in some part of civic participation. Join or no join the political party reveals all kinds of civic participation. Students' parents who have higher interests in political issues have significant difference in some part of civic participation. (3) Students of DPPOCS' civic participation intention, like joining legal and illegal protests, electoral activities, other political activities and non-official political activities, are highly related with family environment and part of them are related with school management and students' civilization and learning. In the category of students' civilization and learning, the entertainment by mass media have negative relation with joining electoral activities in civic participation. This study is based on the research and provides conclusion and concrete suggestions in order to orientate Overseas Chinese students in civic participation for future reference.
This study intended to explore the expected civic participation and its related factors among Overseas Chinese Students in the National Taiwan Normal University Division of Preparatory Programs (DPPOCS). The International Civic and Citizenship Education Study (ICCS) was used as a reference for developing the present research framework and instruments. The relationships among antecedent variables (students’ characteristics and family backgrounds), the process variables (students’ socialization and learning, family environments, school instructional management) as well as the participants’ civic participations were examined. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, one sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Pearson’s productive-moment correlation coefficient. The major findings are listed as followings: (1) Overseas Chinese Students in DPPOCS were willing to participate in electoral activities. However, only few of them were willing to engage in illegal protests, political activities, and informal political participation. (2) Overseas Chinese students in DPPOCS at the age more than 20 have a higher significant difference than students at the age under 18 in illegal protests. Male students have higher significant difference than female students in illegal protests and other political activities. Students of fall-term class have a higher significant difference than students of spring-term class in illegal protests. About participation of electoral activities, students of spring-term class have higher significant difference in comparison with students of fall-term class and special guidance class. Students of special guidance class and of division I have higher significant difference than students of division II, while students of division III have significant difference than students of any other division in illegal protests. Overseas Chinese students from Hong Kong, Macau and Indonesia have significant difference than students of Malaysia while Malaysian students show higher significant difference on comparison with any other countries in electoral activities. Students who receive higher education have significant difference in some part of civic participation. Join or no join the political party reveals all kinds of civic participation. Students' parents who have higher interests in political issues have significant difference in some part of civic participation. (3) Students of DPPOCS' civic participation intention, like joining legal and illegal protests, electoral activities, other political activities and non-official political activities, are highly related with family environment and part of them are related with school management and students' civilization and learning. In the category of students' civilization and learning, the entertainment by mass media have negative relation with joining electoral activities in civic participation. This study is based on the research and provides conclusion and concrete suggestions in order to orientate Overseas Chinese students in civic participation for future reference.
僑生, 公民參與, 公民參與意向, 前因變項, 歷程變項, Overseas Chinese Students, civic participation, expected civic participation, antecedent variable, process variable