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此研究之目的主要是探討技術型高中學生使用專業英文詞彙能力大賽測評系統接受度之研究,也希望同時能藉由實驗的結果來檢驗認知負荷理論對技術型高中學生使用專業英文詞彙能力大賽測評系統成效影響的解釋及預測。 本研究目的主要有下列三點: 一、探討參與專業英文詞彙能力測評系統之技術型高中學生的認知負荷情形。 二、探討參與專業英文詞彙能力測評系統之技術型高中學生的學業成就之影響。 三、探討參與專業英文詞彙能力測評系統之技術型高中學生的學習成就與認知負荷相關情形。 本研究採實驗研究法雙因子變異數分析來進行。 依據本研究之目的及待答問題以及文獻探討深入本研究之架構,然後針對桃園市大興高中電機科87名學生進行實驗。最後,再依據本研究之實驗後之結果,提出研究結論與研究建議。
The purpose of this study is to explore the acceptance of Professional Vocabulary Quotient Credential test toward Skills-based Senior High students, and also hope that by the experimental results to test the cognitive load theory for the students to use Professional Vocabulary Quotient Credential. The purpose of this study is the following three points: 1.To explore the students involved in Professional Vocabulary Quotient Credential and Listening evaluation and its academic achievement. 2.To explore the different background changes students participate in Professional Vocabulary Quotient Credential on the academic achievements of the impact. 3.To explore the relations of students’ loading and cognition participate in Professional Vocabulary Quotient Credential . In this study, the experimental study method was based on the study of the two-way ANOVA. According to the purpose of the study、to be answered questions and literature discussion to explore the study structure, and then we have 87 students from Department of Electrical Engineering, Daxing high school in Taoyuan City, as the experiment objects to conduct the test. As the results of the experiment, we provide the conclusions and suggestions .



線上測驗, 專業英文詞彙能力大賽測評系統, 認知負荷理論, Web Based Tests, Professional Vocabulary Quotient Credential, Cognitive Load Theory





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