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本文藉由華美女性導演伍思薇(Alice Wu)所執導的電影《面子》以及潘貝思(Bertha Bay-Sa Pan)導演的《白靈之面子》兩部具有代表性與共通性的當代原創電影,探討美國華人女性如何面對情慾自主與家庭代際衝突,源於性別與種族的雙重考驗。美國女性華人身負性別與種族的雙重弱勢身分,受西方文化的影響而解放自我感情與情慾之追求,同時受到中國傳統文化之牽制,來回擺盪。華人移民世代之間由於觀念的差異,家庭內部的關係往往首當其衝,在海外女性華人身上尤其突顯,身處北美洲之中國移民,受到西方的思想影響甚鉅,又難以逃避中國家庭傳統的性觀念,華人女性的情慾與婚姻,面臨了因著代際之間認知不同而產生的衝擊。
Saving Face by Alice Wu and Face by Bay-Sa Pan are two films regarding how Chinese women in the US face cultural and generation conflict regarding sex, marriage and gender roles. Under the influence of sexual and gender liberation from the West, Chinese women marsh between traditional Chinese ideologies and the West. While generation gap becomes the huge conflict in Chinese immigrant families, Chinese women also need to overcome their racial and gender minority. This essay focuses on the history of Chinese women in US. From stereotypic prostitutes to housewives and lower working class, Chinese women strive for higher education and professional jobs in various fields while they elevate family status in their homes. From individualism to Chinese ideology which focuses on family relationship, generation gap among Chinese family has been transformed over time and different history background. Borrowing plots from related films, the essay explores Chinese women and their immigrant parents have different attitudes toward sexual desires, pre-marital sex, sex liberation, homosexuality, interracial relationship and mother’s role.
Saving Face by Alice Wu and Face by Bay-Sa Pan are two films regarding how Chinese women in the US face cultural and generation conflict regarding sex, marriage and gender roles. Under the influence of sexual and gender liberation from the West, Chinese women marsh between traditional Chinese ideologies and the West. While generation gap becomes the huge conflict in Chinese immigrant families, Chinese women also need to overcome their racial and gender minority. This essay focuses on the history of Chinese women in US. From stereotypic prostitutes to housewives and lower working class, Chinese women strive for higher education and professional jobs in various fields while they elevate family status in their homes. From individualism to Chinese ideology which focuses on family relationship, generation gap among Chinese family has been transformed over time and different history background. Borrowing plots from related films, the essay explores Chinese women and their immigrant parents have different attitudes toward sexual desires, pre-marital sex, sex liberation, homosexuality, interracial relationship and mother’s role.
性別與種族, 華美女性, 華人移民, 情慾解放, 華人女同志, Gender and race, Chinese American women, Chinese immigrants, sex liberation, Chinese American lesbians