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本研究旨在探討綜合高中學生體育選修阻礙、選修動機及選修學習滿意度之情形,採立意分層抽樣方式,調查全國綜合高中有實施體育選修學校之學生為研究對象,寄發問卷1020份,回收問卷994份,得回收率97.4%。並將所得資料分別以描述統計、t檢定及費雪事後比較法等統計方法進行分析,獲致研究結果如下: 一、綜合高中學生體育課程選修的實施情形,有兩成學生未選修體育課程;男生選修高於女生;實施方式已從傳統隨班體育課程趨向興趣選項運動課程。 二、綜合高中學生在選修阻礙因素中以「課業壓力」最高;在選修動機因素則以「運動興趣」最高;在選修學習滿意度上則以「同儕之間」為最滿意。 三、在不同背景變項之綜合高中學生體育選修阻礙因素,以「運動技能」不佳較為顯著;在體育選修動機方面,受「運動興趣」及「社會需求」所影響;在體育選修學習滿意度則以「教師教學」、「場地設備」及「同儕關係」等因素滿意度較高。 四、綜合高中學生體育選修阻礙因素愈高,其選修動機就愈低;反之,選修動機愈高,其選修阻礙就愈低。在學生體育選修動機方面,動機愈高,其選修學習滿意度愈高;反之,選修動機愈低,其選修學習滿意度就愈低。
The investigation of hindrance, motivation and degree of satisfaction in taking selective physical education courses in comprehensive school students Abstract This study investigates the hindrance, motivation and degree of satisfaction in taking selective physical education courses in comprehensive school students. Using random sampling at different levels, 1020 questionnaires are dispatched to chosen candidates, and 994 effective samples are collected. The retrieve rate of the questionnaires is 97.4%. The samples are analyzed by applying several statistical analysis methods, including descriptive statistics, t-test and Scheffe posterior comparisons. The noticeable findings are in the following: A. Concerning the implementation of selective physical education courses in the comprehensive school: Firstly, 20% of the students do not take any selective PE courses. Secondly, the number of male students taking selective PE courses is higher than that of female students. Thirdly, methods of implementation are changed from traditional by-class sports curriculums to interest-oriented sports curriculums. B. The foremost hindrance for comprehensive high school students in selecting courses is from the academic pressure. The interest for sports is the strongest motivation. The peer relations show the strongest impact in the degree of satisfaction in learning. C. In taking selective courses in sports, study of the background variables in the hindrance factor shows that: the comprehensive high school students who do not take selective courses have more concerns with “poor sports skills.” Study of the background variables in the motivation factor shows that the comprehensive high school students’ motivations are influenced by “interests in sports,” and “social requirement. Study of the background variables in the degree of satisfaction in learning shows that the comprehensive high school students have higher satisfaction in learning because of factors like “teacher’s teaching,” “local utility,” and “peer relationship.” D. The higher the hindrance for comprehensive high school students in taking selective courses is, the lower the motivation is; otherwise, the higher the motivation is, the lower the hindrance is. The higher the motivation is, the higher the degree of satisfaction in learning is; otherwise, the lower the motivation is, the lower the degree of satisfaction is.



綜合高中, 體育選修課程, 選修阻礙, 選修動機, 學習滿意度, Comprehensive high middle-school, elective course of sports, taking hindering from, taking the motive, studying satisfaction





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