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長期規律的有氧運動能夠有效利用脂肪作為能量來源,協助肥胖者恢復健康體態,減少慢性疾病的罹患率。本研究主要在探討不同減重成效對肥胖者荷爾蒙與免疫反應之影響。本實驗招募54名肥胖者參與減重介入計畫,以完成全程的22人為本研究受試者(平均年齡─23.27 ± 3.95歲;平均體脂肪率─男37.09 ± 6.10 %、女36.73 ± 4.76 %),並依其平均減少體脂率,將受試者分派為減重成效差組 (L) 與減重成效佳組 (H) (-1.30 ± 0.84 % vs. -5.56 ± 2.48 %)。所有受試者進行為期12週的有氧運動作為減重方式,並於介入前 (T1) 、後 (T2) 、以及介入計畫結束後3週 (T3) ,分別進行採血,以分析荷爾蒙與免疫反應變化情形。所得資料以混合設計二因子變異數分析以及皮爾遜積差相關進行考驗。結果發現:1.瘦體素濃度只有在H組有顯著下降 (p< .05);胰島素敏感度皆未有顯著變化 (p > .05)。2.白血球總數和IL-6濃度在L組有顯著提升 (p < .05),H組雖有提升卻未達顯著水準 (p > .05);TNF-α濃度皆有顯著提升 (p < .05)。3.體脂肪量與瘦體素及胰島素敏感度呈現顯著正相關,兩組除了在每日平均步數與瘦體素濃度有顯著差異外,其餘變項皆無顯著差異。IL-6和TNF-α皆有幫助脂肪細胞分解及啟動免疫反應的作用。在本研究減重後上升趨勢不同,可能是有先後調節的作用,往後可配合其餘指標觀察,以釐清變化的機制。身體活動量亦是影響能量調節與生理反應變化的重要因素,將來可延長減重計畫時間及增加運動頻率,以期減重成效達到更大的差異。
The lone-term regular aerobic exercise can use fat effectively as an energy source to help obese people back to healthy posture and reduce chronic disease morbidity. This study focused on investigating the different effects on hormones and immune responses caused by aerobic exercise as a weight loss intervention. This study recruited 54 obese people to participate in the weight loss intervention. Among all the participants, 22 of them completed the whole course of weight loss intervention and therefore were subjects for this study (the average age of the subjects was 23.27 ± 3.95 years; the average percentage of body fat for male was 37.09 ± 6.10%, and for female was 36.73 ± 4.76%). According to their fat-loss results, the subjects were categorized into poor weight-loss-effect group (group L) and good weight-loss-effect group (group H) (-1.30 ± 0.84% vs. -5.56 ± 2.48%). All the subjects participated in a 12-week aerobic exercise as a weight loss intervention, and their blood samples were carried out before (T1), after (T2), and 3 weeks after the end of weight loss intervention (T3) in order to analyze changes in hormones and the immune responses. The collected data were analyzed by mixed design two-way ANOVA and the Pearson product-moment correlation. The results showed that: 1. The concentration of leptin decreased significantly only in the group H (p< .05); insulin sensitivity made no significant change on both groups (p > .05). 2. The counts of white blood cell and the concentration of IL-6 increased significantly in the group L (p < .05), but no significant enhance in the group H (p > .05). Besides, the concentration of TNF-α increased significantly in both groups (p < .05). 3. Body fat mass was correlated positively with leptin and insulin sensitivity significantly. Under the different effects of weight loss, in addition to average dailynumber of steps and the concentration of leptin, the other variables were not significant different in two groups. IL-6 and TNF-α not only help lipolysis but also activate immune responses. In this study, the different upward trends after weight loss intervention might be caused by the role of regulation sequence. In order to clarify the mechanisms of the changes, further experiment can be tested with other indicators. Physical activity is also an important factor to influence the regulation of energy and physiological responses; therefore, the period of subsequent weight loss intervention can be extended and the frequency of exercise can be increased, with a view to achieving greater differences in weight loss effect.



減重成效, 瘦體素, 胰島素敏感度, 免疫反應, effect of weight loss, leptin, insulin sensitivity, immune response





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