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Chien-Chiu Sun Professor
Meng-ChunLin Teacher
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Office of Teacher Education and Career Service
Office of Teacher Education and Career Service
臺灣自2000年起進行課程改革,並積極推動閱請教育。然,從PISA2009 年閱讀素養評量研究結果發現,臺灣中學生的閱靖素養有再提升的空間。教與學是一體兩面,本文從中學生學習策略的角度,以PISA2009 年圭灣中學生運用學習策略上的研究成果,探究精進閱讀教學的策略。並從國語文課程綱要、閱言賣文本及閱讀教學策略等三方面提出建言義。
Taiwan has reformed curriculum and promoted reading education in schools since 2000. Nonetheless, the results from the assessment of reading literacy in PISA 2009 show that Taiwan high school students' reading literacy is in need of promotion. This study is aimed to explore strategies for promoting reading instruction from the perspective of Taiwan high school students' performance of international reading literacy in PISA 2009. Also, suggestions on Mandarin curriculum guidelines, reading text and reading instruction strategies are ready in this study.
Taiwan has reformed curriculum and promoted reading education in schools since 2000. Nonetheless, the results from the assessment of reading literacy in PISA 2009 show that Taiwan high school students' reading literacy is in need of promotion. This study is aimed to explore strategies for promoting reading instruction from the perspective of Taiwan high school students' performance of international reading literacy in PISA 2009. Also, suggestions on Mandarin curriculum guidelines, reading text and reading instruction strategies are ready in this study.