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1、 學員對學堂整體辦理成效的滿意度相當良好,屬於滿意程度。
2、 對樂齡學堂辦理成效四個層面的滿意度,「學習成果」最高,其餘依次為「教師課程」、「行政組織」和「環境設施」。
3、 學員對辦理成效的滿意度與性別、年齡、教育程度等均有關。
4、 行政人員及教師對樂齡學堂經營困境反應為普通程度。
5、 行政人員及教師對樂齡學堂經營困境各層面的反應,以「經費人力」最高,其餘依次為「課程師資」、「招生宣導」及「組織結構」層面。
6、 行政人員及教師所提改進意見,以對「師資課程」層面較多,其次為招生宣導的部分。
一、 對樂齡學堂建議
二、 對政府部門建議(一)加大經費支持力度 保障經費來源(二)建立系統的教師及行政人力的培訓制度(三)加強志願服務理念的宣導,充實服務人力三、 對學堂學員建議
四、 對未來研究建議
Abstract This study took the students, administrators and teachers of Elder School in Fujian Province as the research objects to understand the elderly learners' response to the management effectiveness of Elder School and the administrators and teachers' response to the difficulties in the operation of Elder School. Through compiling "Fujian Elder School Management Effectively Questionnaire" and "Fujian Elder School Management Dilemma Questionnaire" to collect relevant data. After statistical analysis, the conclusion is as follows:1. The students' satisfaction with the overall management of the school is quite good, which belongs to the degree of satisfaction. 2. For the satisfaction of Elder School, "learning achievement" is the highest, followed by "teacher curriculum", "administrative organization" and "environmental facilities". 3. Students' satisfaction with the management effect is related to gender, age, education level, etc. 4. The response of administrators and teachers to the operating difficulties of Elder School is ordinary.5. The response of administrators and teachers to the operating difficulties of Elder School is the highest in terms of"fund and manpower", followed by "course teachers", "recruitment promotion" and "organizational structure". 6. Suggestions for improvement made by administrators and teachers mainly focus on "teacher courses", followed by the part of recruitment promotion. Based on the results mentioned above, some suggestions were proposed to elder school, government departments, elder learners and future researchers.
Abstract This study took the students, administrators and teachers of Elder School in Fujian Province as the research objects to understand the elderly learners' response to the management effectiveness of Elder School and the administrators and teachers' response to the difficulties in the operation of Elder School. Through compiling "Fujian Elder School Management Effectively Questionnaire" and "Fujian Elder School Management Dilemma Questionnaire" to collect relevant data. After statistical analysis, the conclusion is as follows:1. The students' satisfaction with the overall management of the school is quite good, which belongs to the degree of satisfaction. 2. For the satisfaction of Elder School, "learning achievement" is the highest, followed by "teacher curriculum", "administrative organization" and "environmental facilities". 3. Students' satisfaction with the management effect is related to gender, age, education level, etc. 4. The response of administrators and teachers to the operating difficulties of Elder School is ordinary.5. The response of administrators and teachers to the operating difficulties of Elder School is the highest in terms of"fund and manpower", followed by "course teachers", "recruitment promotion" and "organizational structure". 6. Suggestions for improvement made by administrators and teachers mainly focus on "teacher courses", followed by the part of recruitment promotion. Based on the results mentioned above, some suggestions were proposed to elder school, government departments, elder learners and future researchers.
高齡教育, 樂齡學堂, 辦理成效, 經營困境, Elder education, Elder school, Management effect, Management dilemma