李焜培水彩畫之展覽研究:2016年國立國父紀念館「超時空•魔法 李焜培教授紀念展」個案研究

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摘 要 本研究藉由:(一)文獻分析法(二)風格研究法(三)訪談法(四)展覽研究等四個途徑,從相關的書籍、畫冊資料瞭解李焜培的創作理念、相關評論以及展示理論基礎,輔以畫作風格分析,並實施訪談以及展覽時的實地觀察,研究李焜培的水彩繪畫藝術以及對「超時空•魔法 李焜培教授紀念展」進行個案探討。 研究發現,透明水彩是李焜培的最愛,他用色明亮大膽,擅用色塊與線條的組合,充滿想像力和浪漫情懷是他最大的特點。此外,他帶頭創作大幅水彩畫,提昇水彩創作能量以及地位。本次展覽主題頗能突顯李焜培在創作上勇於嘗試的精神,豐富而具代表性的作品配合作者的年表、照片及訪談影片,引導觀眾以主觀的角度與展覽內容連結,進而對作品產生共鳴。然而缺乏配合展覽之學術論文、展期太短以及導覽對象有限等因素,都使展覽效益較為有限。 李焜培是戰後國內培養出的第一代畫家,任教於國立臺灣師範大學近四十年,培育出許多優秀的水彩畫家和美術教師,對於國內水彩的傳承與影響功不可没。李焜培過世後四年,國立國父紀念館舉辦「超時空•魔法 李焜培教授紀念展」,深具意義,也希望透過本研究讓世人重新重視這位在臺灣水彩藝術的現代發展有極大貢獻的藝術家。
Abstract This research utilized four approaches: (1) documentary analysis of relevant literature related to Lee Quan-Pui’s creative concepts; (2) an analysis of the artist’s works; (3) interviews with the artist’s wife, close friends, and students; and, (4) attendance at and critical observations of the exhibition “Magic Beyond Time and Space: Professor Lee Quan-Pui Memorial Exhibition.” This study concludes that the translucent watercolor is Professor Lee’s preferred medium. The fearless use of bold and brilliant colors, skillful combinations of shapes and lines, and the imaginative use of enhanced romantic atmospheres are key features of Professor Lee’s unique style. Moreover, he was an innovative figure who created large-scale watercolor works in order to elevate the importance of the medium. The theme of this exhibition successfully presented the risk-taking spirit of Professor Lee's work. Numerous paintings were shown along with his curriculum vitae. Documentary photos and films of Professor Lee helped to guide the emotional connection of the exhibition with audiences to create greater resonance. Some weaknesses were that a lack of academic studies, a short exhibition time, and limited audience participation during the guided tours served to limit the effects of this exhibition. Lee Quan-Pui was a first generation artist educated in Taiwan after World War II. He taught at Taiwan National Normal University for fourty years and had a great influence on the development of contemporary watercolor in Taiwan. He mentored many excellent watercolor painters and teachers, and he also encouraged students to promote watercolor painting. In recent years, and under his strong influence, watercolor became very popular in Taiwan. Four years after his death, the exhibition “Magic Beyond Time and Space: Professor Lee Quan-Pui Memorial Exhibition” was held at the National Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, which showed many of his important works from every period of his life. This study explored the significance of Professor Lee Quan–Pui ‘s contribution to the recent development of watercolor.



李焜培, 水彩畫, 國立國父紀念館, 展覽研究, Lee Quan-Pui, watercolor painting, National Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, exhibition research





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