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我國於2009年施行菸害防制法新規定,規範菸盒上需印製健康警示圖文。本研究旨在探討青少年接觸菸盒警示圖文情形,及分析警示圖文認知與態度之關係。研究母群體為九十八學年度台北市高中職日間部一至三年級學生,採分層隨機抽出8所學校24班,得到869名有效樣本。以結構式問卷為工具,所得資料以獨立 t 檢定、單因子變異數分析及邏輯斯迴歸等統計方法進行分析。重要結果如下:
In 2009, Taiwan implemented the Tobacco Hazards Prevention Amendment Act, which required six graphic health warning labels oncigarette packs. The aim of the present study was to assess adolescents’ exposure, knowledge, and attitudes toward the new graphic health warning labels. A total of 869 high school students in Taipei city completed a self-administered survey. T-tests, one-way ANOVA, and logistic regression models were used to examine the effect of the health warning labels. The results were summarized as follows. 1.About 70% of the respondents reported having noticed the new graphic warning labels on cigarette packs, while more than 80% identified the health warning messages. About 60% of the respondents reported feeling unpleasant and horrible due to the graphic warnings. 2.More than 90% of the respondents reported thinking about the health hazards of smoking because of the warning labels, while 60% perceived the warning labels on youth smoking prevention to be effective. About 80% of the respondents thought about giving quit advice due to the warnings, while 50% of smokers reported that the warning labels made them think about quitting. 3.Smokers, parents who smoke and peers who smoke were identified as sources of greater levels of exposure to graphic warning labels. 4.Nonsmokers had significantly greater levels of knowledge and positive attitudes toward graphic warnings. Positive attitudes toward warnings were associated with greater levels of perceived prevention effectiveness. 5.Smokers who read graphic cigarette warnings and identified health warning messages were more likely to attempt quitting. In conclusion, the present study indicated a positive effect of graphic cigarette health warnings on adolescents.The findings suggest revising the graphic warnings to enhance communication of the health hazards of smoking.
In 2009, Taiwan implemented the Tobacco Hazards Prevention Amendment Act, which required six graphic health warning labels oncigarette packs. The aim of the present study was to assess adolescents’ exposure, knowledge, and attitudes toward the new graphic health warning labels. A total of 869 high school students in Taipei city completed a self-administered survey. T-tests, one-way ANOVA, and logistic regression models were used to examine the effect of the health warning labels. The results were summarized as follows. 1.About 70% of the respondents reported having noticed the new graphic warning labels on cigarette packs, while more than 80% identified the health warning messages. About 60% of the respondents reported feeling unpleasant and horrible due to the graphic warnings. 2.More than 90% of the respondents reported thinking about the health hazards of smoking because of the warning labels, while 60% perceived the warning labels on youth smoking prevention to be effective. About 80% of the respondents thought about giving quit advice due to the warnings, while 50% of smokers reported that the warning labels made them think about quitting. 3.Smokers, parents who smoke and peers who smoke were identified as sources of greater levels of exposure to graphic warning labels. 4.Nonsmokers had significantly greater levels of knowledge and positive attitudes toward graphic warnings. Positive attitudes toward warnings were associated with greater levels of perceived prevention effectiveness. 5.Smokers who read graphic cigarette warnings and identified health warning messages were more likely to attempt quitting. In conclusion, the present study indicated a positive effect of graphic cigarette health warnings on adolescents.The findings suggest revising the graphic warnings to enhance communication of the health hazards of smoking.
青少年, 健康警示圖文, 認知, 態度, adolescent, graphic health warning, knowledge, attitude