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本研究旨在探討新北市國中男性教師的工作滿意度與生涯發展在不同背景變項之差異及相關情形。本研究採用問卷調查法,經隨機抽樣的方式,實得有效樣本共237位教師。將調查所得之資料以平均數、標準差、單因子變異數分析,以及皮爾遜積差相關統計方法進行分析,獲致主要的研究發現如下: 一、新北市國中男性教師生涯發展之現況,整體生涯發展偏向中高程度,在生涯發展的五個層面上,以「生涯遲滯」層面感受程度最高,以「生涯轉移」層面的感受程度最低。 二、新北市國中男性教師的工作滿意度屬於中高程度,在工作滿意度的五個層面上,以「工作人際」感受程度最高,以「進修陞遷」的滿意度最低。 三、新北市國中男性教師的生涯發展層面因教師年齡、服務年資、最高學歷背景、擔任職務及學校規模而有差異。 四、新北市國中男性教師的工作滿意度層面因教師年齡、服務年資、最高學歷背景、擔任職務而有顯著差異。 五、新北市國中男性教師的生涯發展與工作滿意度之間有相關。 根據研究的結果,針對新北市國中男性教師、學校及教育行政機關,提出三點建議,以供參考: 一、教師應透過多元進修管道,提升自己在職場上的專業能力。 二、學校工作的分配應考慮到教師的志願和實際需求,以提升教師的工作意願。 三、推行教師分級制,透過公平及完善的配套制度,讓教師朝更高階的等級發展。
A Study on Career Development and Job Satisfaction of Junior High School Male Teachers in New Taipei City Abstract The purpose of this study was to explore career development and job satisfaction of the junior high school male teachers in New Taipei City .A questionnaire survey was employed in the study through simple random sampling, and the sample consisted of 237 male teachers. Statistical methods including mean, standard deviation, one-way ANOVA and Pearson product-moment correlation were used in data analysis.The main findings of this study were as follows: 1. In terms of overall career development, junior high school male teachers in New Taipei City had an intermediate-high level of career development. Among the five dimensions of career development, they perceived the highest level of development in “career lost stage” and the lowest in “profession shift”. 2. The job satisfaction of junior high school male teachers in New Taipei City was ranked as intermediate -high level. Among the five dimensions of job satisfaction, their mean score on the subscale “interpersonal relationship” was the hightest , and “Further education and Promotion” was the lowest. 3. The career development of junior high school male teachers in New Taipei City would make significant differences with their age, service ages, education backgrounds, job position and school size. 4. The job satisfaction of junior high school male teachers in New Taipei City would make significant differences with their age, service ages, education backgrounds and job position. 5. There were significant correlations between job satisfaction and career development of junior high school male teachers in New Taipei City. Based on the conclusion of this study, three recommendations are proposed to junior high school male teachers in New Taipei City, School unit and the educational administrative authorities: 1. Teachers should have multiple aspects of inservice education to enhance their professional abilities. 2. The school work's assignment should account the teachers's voluntary and the actual demands, in order to enhance the teacher's willingness to work. 3. Carrying out the career ladder program for teachers and executing an equal and rational system will lead teachers to be promoted to higher level positions.



生涯發展, 工作滿意度, career development, job satisfaction





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