探討以數位行銷提升社區物業管理APP 服務之使用意圖
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本研究以物業管理平台社區APP為主要的研究案例,探討如何以數位行銷提升社區物業管理APP 服務的使用意圖。近來無接觸、數位化已是當今重要趨勢,加上政府積極推動智慧城市,帶動智慧社區的發展,面對AIOT應用更加普及,後疫情時代有越來越多的物業管理企業、建商或是房仲企業開始發展物業管理APP數位平台,希望能切入智慧社區商機。因此本研究旨在探討如何以數位行銷方式提升住戶提升物業管理APP服務使用意圖,透過文獻搜索與層級分析比較六種數位行銷策略。關鍵字行銷、社群媒體行銷、新聞報導分析 、 內容行銷、 代言人網紅行銷、EDM行銷、付費廣告行銷,以此六種主要的數位行銷方式建立問卷層級分析(Analytic Hierarchy Process,AHP)。研究結果顯示, 數位行銷方式中,居民以使用關鍵字上網路搜尋結果的重要性最高,第二則是社群行銷(FB、IG、LINE)接著依序是為內容報導、代言人網紅行銷、 EDM行銷、付費廣告。而獲取社區服務訊息的管道,以LINE分享訊息為首要、其次F粉專、PTT論壇、Mobile01論壇、DCARD論壇,再來是新聞網站與Instagram此一行銷權重排序提供相關產業進行服務推廣之策略依據,並有助於企業進行精準行銷提升效益。
Abstract This research explores how to enhance the use intention of community property management APP through digital marketing. Recently, digitalization has been the most critical trend due to AIOT policies from the government, especially in the post-epidemic era. As a result, more and more property management companies, builders, and real estate brokerage companies have begun to develop property management APP platforms to seize the business opportunities of intelligent communities. The relevant literature was reviewed and arranged into six digital marketing strategies. Then, the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) was applied to calculate the weights for each criteria. Key-word marketing (SEO), social media marketing, content marketing, key opinion leader (KOL), EDM marketing, and paid advertising marketing are the six main digital marketing methods.The results reveal the key channels to obtain consumers and enhance community residents' intention to use the community property management APP. It is found that the community residents share and gain information mostly on LINE, followed by Facebook, content reports, Mobile01 forum, DCARD forum, News sites, and Instagram. Keywords marketing rank as the most crucial factor for the community property management APP. The second is social marketing (FB, IG,Line), followed by content reporting, spokesperson, EDM, and paid advertising. Related implications and research contributions aredemonstrated in summary.
Abstract This research explores how to enhance the use intention of community property management APP through digital marketing. Recently, digitalization has been the most critical trend due to AIOT policies from the government, especially in the post-epidemic era. As a result, more and more property management companies, builders, and real estate brokerage companies have begun to develop property management APP platforms to seize the business opportunities of intelligent communities. The relevant literature was reviewed and arranged into six digital marketing strategies. Then, the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) was applied to calculate the weights for each criteria. Key-word marketing (SEO), social media marketing, content marketing, key opinion leader (KOL), EDM marketing, and paid advertising marketing are the six main digital marketing methods.The results reveal the key channels to obtain consumers and enhance community residents' intention to use the community property management APP. It is found that the community residents share and gain information mostly on LINE, followed by Facebook, content reports, Mobile01 forum, DCARD forum, News sites, and Instagram. Keywords marketing rank as the most crucial factor for the community property management APP. The second is social marketing (FB, IG,Line), followed by content reporting, spokesperson, EDM, and paid advertising. Related implications and research contributions aredemonstrated in summary.
物業管理, 數位行銷, 精準行銷, 使用意圖, APP, Property management, Digital marketing, Precise marketing, Use Intention, APP