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本研究旨在探討線上互動即時回饋系統「Kahoot!」應用於地球科學教學,對偏鄉國中學生學習動機、學習表現、學習歷程的影響及對於使用Kahoot!學習地球科學的態度與看法。本研究採混合研究法,以準實驗研究法為主,選取研究者任教班級為研究對象,依班級隨機分配教學模式,實驗組應用Kahoot!融入地球科學教學,控制組使用傳統教學方式教學,分別進行為期六週的實驗教學。研究過程中透過學生動機量表、平時作業表現、評量表現、學習日誌、問卷及訪談等工具,以量化為主,質性為輔的方式蒐集相關資料,進行資料分析與歸納。得到研究結論如下: 一、使用Kahoot!融入地球科學教學能增強偏鄉國中學生學習動機。 二、使用Kahoot!融入地球科學教學對於偏鄉國中學生學習表現有顯著正面影響。 三、使用Kahoot!融入地球科學教學會增加偏鄉國中學生上課專注力與複習地球科學之意願,增加學習效能。 四、多數偏鄉國中學生喜歡使用Kahoot!學習地球科學,對此教學模式具有正面肯定的態度。 最後,根據研究結果與發現,研究者從教學現場與未來研究兩面向,提出相關的建議與啟示,作為科技工具融入地球科學教學之參考,期待研究發現能提供相關人員在理論及實務上的幫助。
The research aimed to investigate the effects of implementing the online instant response system “Kahoot!” in earth science teaching for the students from the rural area, especially focusing on their learning motivation, learning achievement, learning process as well as the attitude toward the implementation. The research adopted the mixed-methods approach , mainly based on quasi-experimental approach. The participants, selected from the researcher’s classes, were randomly grouped into different teaching models. During six weeks of conducting the respectively experimental teachings, the experimental group was exposed to the teaching model of integrating “Kahoot!” into Earth Science teaching , while the control group was exposed to the traditional approach. Research data were collected through a student motivation scale, homework performance, learning diary, questionnaire and interview, and all data were quantitatively analyzed and summarized with descriptive description. Four conclusions are organized as follows: 1.Implementing “Kahoot!” in earth science teaching can boost the rural-area students’ learning motivation. 2.Implementing “Kahoot!” in earth science teaching can bring upon positive learning results among the rural-are students’ learning performance. 3.Implementing “Kahoot!” in earth science teaching can increase the rural-area students’ class attention and their intentions to review earth science materials, which is beneficial to learning efficiency. 4.The students from the rural area are delighted to use “Kahoot!” in earth science learning and display a positive learning attitude towards this teaching model. Finally, based upon the research results and findings, some suggestions were proposed from the viewpoint of teaching fields and further research to benefit and aid relevant personnel in terms of both theory and practice.



線上即時回饋系統, 偏鄉學生, 學習動機, 地球科學教學, online instant response system, rural area student, students’ learning motivation, earth science teaching





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