初學識字兒童的識字歷程: 整體性或分析性?
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Three experiments were conducted to exam whether Chinese characters are processed in a holistic or analytical manner in beginner readers. After taking into account word familiarity and stroke numbers, results from Experiment 1 revealed that the mean accuracy of simple characters and that of compound characters did not differ in a delayed copy task. However, the ceiling effect observed in Experiment 1 may contribute to this null result. To eliminate this confound, the level of task difficulty in Experiment 2 was increased by employing shorter presentation duration of the target words followed by a pattern mask. In line with the results of Anderson et al. (2013), children performed significantly better in the simple character condition than in the compound character condition. Anderson et al. (2013) have argued that this was due to unit integrity heuristic. However, in the priming paradigm revealed that subcomponent processing was involved in simple character recognition. Yet, this was not the case for young adults when the same experimental tasks were employed in Experiment 4.
Three experiments were conducted to exam whether Chinese characters are processed in a holistic or analytical manner in beginner readers. After taking into account word familiarity and stroke numbers, results from Experiment 1 revealed that the mean accuracy of simple characters and that of compound characters did not differ in a delayed copy task. However, the ceiling effect observed in Experiment 1 may contribute to this null result. To eliminate this confound, the level of task difficulty in Experiment 2 was increased by employing shorter presentation duration of the target words followed by a pattern mask. In line with the results of Anderson et al. (2013), children performed significantly better in the simple character condition than in the compound character condition. Anderson et al. (2013) have argued that this was due to unit integrity heuristic. However, in the priming paradigm revealed that subcomponent processing was involved in simple character recognition. Yet, this was not the case for young adults when the same experimental tasks were employed in Experiment 4.
整體性, 部件, holistic, component