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企業經營活動中利潤的創造能促使企業生存與發展得以持續,員工的工作績效是企業創造卓越利潤中不可或缺的一環,而員工敬業度和財務表現間的關聯性強,因此,企業如能提升員工關鍵的敬業驅動力,會使員工更加敬業,進而提升工作績效,以達到企業成長目的。國營事業之發展有其時代背景及意義,其謀求全民福祉的立意未變,然因應客觀環境的變化,國營事業不得不面臨改革以追求更卓越的經營表現。國營事業人員在工作上的安定與組織面臨改革所追求的績效間如何適切的結合,從招募高敬業貢獻度者開始,到發展優質人才並創造激勵員工環境,以促進員工能為公司付出更多努力,並達成企業高績效的目標。 本研究旨在探討正向心理資本、工作價值觀、知覺壓力與敬業貢獻度之間的關聯性,並以企業聲望認知為調節變項分析其在正向心理資本、工作價值觀、知覺壓力與敬業貢獻度之間是否具有調節效果。而本研究之對象為台電公司員工,採用便利抽樣方式委託人力發送問卷以取得實證資料,總共回收了575個有效樣本。 研究結果發現:(1)正向心理資本對敬業貢獻度有正向影響,(2)工作價值觀對敬業貢獻度有正向影響,(3)挑戰性壓力對敬業貢獻度有正向影響,(4)障礙性壓力對敬業貢獻度不具負向影響,(5)企業聲望認知對正向心理資本影響敬業貢獻度不具有調節效果,(6)企業聲望認知對工作價值觀影響敬業貢獻度有調節效果,(7)企業聲望認知對挑戰性壓力影響敬業貢獻度不具調節效果,(8)企業聲望認知對障礙性壓力影響敬業貢獻度不具調節效果。本研究結果,期望能提供國營企業及其他產業之管理者及人資人員於甄選人才及經營管理發展之參考,透過員工正向心理資本、工作價值觀、挑戰性壓力知覺及企望聲望的強化,促進員工敬業貢獻度提升,達成企業成長目的。
The creation of profit in the business activities can promote corporation’s competitive power and sustain development and employee performance of is an integral part of the enterprise to create a superior profit. There is a strong correlation between employee engagement and financial performance of a corporation. If enterprises improve the key dedicated driving force of employee engagement, employee performance will be better and achieve the purpose of business growth. The development of state-run enterprise has its unique historical background and significance. The state-run enterprises unchanged to seek national well-being, but the state-owned enterprises have to face the reform to the pursuit of excellence in business performance. The state-owned enterprises’ employees work stability, but how an appropriate combination with organizational performance in the reform is very important. From recruiting high engagement employees to developing their talent to create incentives work environment, the employees can devote more efforts for the company to reach high performance goals. This study aims to examine the correlation among positive psychological capital, work value, work stressors,perceived external prestige and engagement. Perceived external prestige is the moderator variable to analyze the effects among positive psychological capital, work value, work stressors and engagement. The object of this study is Taiwan Power Company employees. The empirical data are collected by people. The total of the valid samples are 575. The results showed: (1)Positive psychological capital has a positive impact on engagement. (2)Work value has a positive impact on engagement. (3)Challenge stressors has a positive impact on engagement. (4)Hindrance stressors has no negtive impact on engagement. (5)Perceived external prestige has no moderating effects on positive psychological capital influencing engagement. (6)Perceived external prestige has moderating effects on work value influencing engagement. (7)Perceived external prestige has no moderating effects on challenge stressors influencing engagement. (8)Perceived external prestige has no moderating effects on hindrance stressors influencing engagement.We hope the research results provide managers and human resource personnel of state-owned enterprises and other industries as references for the process of recruiting new employees and business management development. Through intensify employee’s positive psychological capital,work value, perceptions of challenge stressors and perceived external prestige , it will promote employee engagement to achieve the purpose of business growth.



正向心理資本, 工作價值觀, 知覺壓力, 企業聲望認知, 敬業貢獻度, positive psychological capital, work value, work stressors, perceived external prestig, engagement





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