dc.contributor.author | 黃丹鈺 | zh_tw |
dc.date.accessioned | 2014-10-27T15:50:26Z | |
dc.date.available | 2014-10-27T15:50:26Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2003-10-?? | zh_TW |
dc.description.abstract | 本研究旨在探討國中公民與道德科經濟學教科書之內涵,並以美國之經驗為參照,故採用內容分析法,依據美國經濟學國家內容標準,分析比較我國國中現行版和前版公民與道德科經濟學教科書,期能對施行九年一貫教育後教科書開放之編寫有所裨益。本研究首先從相關文獻中歸納經濟教育的意涵,探討國中經濟學課程內容設計的理論以及適合國中階段學習的經濟課程內容樣貌,了解我國國中經濟學課程的沿革與現況和經濟學教科書之相關研究結果。進而以「經濟概念分析類目表」為研究工具,比較評析國中現行版和前版經濟學教科書之內涵,作為日後國中階段經濟學教科書編審之參考。 根據研究結果,主要發現如下: 就總份量而言,前版教科書的內容多於現行版教科書。 就課程內容設計而言,前版教科書之課文敘寫方式缺乏創意、不具啟發性,單元編排較無系統。現行版教科書則以學生日常生活為教材背景,課文生動活潑,並能提供學生批判思考的機會。 就經濟概念而言,現行版教科書重視個體經濟概念,前版教科書則重視總體經濟概念,前版所涵蓋的經濟概念較多,但卻不見深入探討,現行版教科書所涵蓋之經濟概念較少,但較能夠針對主題做完整的介紹。 就活動、圖表等補充教材而言,前版教科書的數量較少、內容較為嚴肅呆板,而現行版教科書數量較豐,生動有趣且能與學生生活經驗結合。 根據文獻探討,研究結果以及結論,謹提出下列建議: 教科書之編寫應兼顧學科知識、學生特性與社會需要等面向。 改善課程標準之編寫形式,建立合理嚴謹的教科書審查制度。 成立全國性的經濟教育研究機構與建立經濟學相關時事解析和分享機制,提供教材研究之相關在職研習。 後續研究可擴增研究範圍與對象,並可結合其他研究方法。 | zh_tw |
dc.description.abstract | The main purpose of this study was to investigate the economics materials of the Junior High School Civic Course in Taiwan. The researcher employed content analysis method, refer to the VNCSE (Voluntary National Content Standards in Economics), to compare and explore how the two textbooks, namely the “old” textbook (published in 1998) and the “new” textbook (published in 2000), differed from each other in terms of the curriculum designing, economic concepts and supplementary materials. The study has the following findings: As a whole, the old textbook has more content than the textbook. As for the curriculum designing, the text writing on the old textbook is unsystematic and lack of originality and edification; the text writing on the new textbook is vivid and coordinate with student's lived experience, and it provides students with opportunities to critical thinking. As for the economic concepts, the new textbook places importance on microeconomic concepts but the old textbook gives weight to macroeconomic concepts. In addition, the old textbook contains more economic concepts but doesn't go deep into probe those concepts. Oppositely, the new textbook contains less economic concepts but probe them in detail. As for the supplementary materials including activities and pictures, the old textbook is deficient and the content is serious and dull, but the new textbook is plentiful of them and the content is more interesting and to link up with students' daily life. Based on the result, four recommendations offered below: Textbooks writing should be geared to the content knowledge of the discipline, the characteristic of the students and the need of the community. The compilation form of the current curriculum needs to be improved, and a legitimate, conscientious system of textbooks examination needs to be established. The educational administrative authorities should build up the national organization of economic education and a system of immediately shar | en_US |
dc.identifier | FE472D36-4E94-C20C-CA3E-65B8CBF1C062 | zh_TW |
dc.identifier.uri | http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/30397 | |
dc.language | 中文 | zh_TW |
dc.publisher | 國立台灣師範大學公民教育與活動領導學系 | zh_tw |
dc.publisher | Department of Civil Education and Leadership, NTNU | en_US |
dc.relation | (14),143-181 | zh_TW |
dc.relation.ispartof | 公民訓育學報 | zh_tw |
dc.subject.other | 經濟學教科書 | zh_tw |
dc.subject.other | 內容分析 | zh_tw |
dc.title | 國中公民與道德科經濟學教科書之內容分析 | zh-tw |
dc.title.alternative | The Content Analysis of Economics Textbooks in Junior High School Civics Course | zh_tw |