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本研究旨在透過教師教學歷程的描述,了解國民中學社會學習領域教師從實際教學歷程中,所詮釋呈現出來的人權教育教學面貌以及所遭遇的困難與挑戰,並進一步分析國中學生在人權教育的教學過程中,對於人權認知、態度及行為的轉變,探究學生與教師在教學過程中所獲得的成長。期望研究結果有助於教育行政機關、學校行政單位了解教師現況,以提升人權教育實施之成效。 為了達到上述的研究目的,研究者採取質性個案研究方式,但參與的個案教師比較特殊,乃是研究者自己,因此在性質上,係為「觀察者」即「參與者」之個案研究,透過教室的參與觀察,以研究者為研究個案,進行「完全參與」的觀察;在經過相關文獻的蒐集、整理與分析後,配合九年一貫課程內容及人權議題之教學目標,依據學生的認知發展,設計單元教學計畫,實際運用於教學情境,並採用「文獻分析」、「觀察」、「訪談」以及「三角檢核」等方法蒐集分析資料,藉由教學活動後的學生回饋,提供研究者省思與修正的機會,進而評估整個研究執行的成效、促進教師專業成長。 本研究共分為六章。第一章為緒論,第二章為文獻探討,第三章為研究設計與實施,第四章為課程發展與教學歷程,第五章為研究結果分析與討論,第六章為結論、建議與研究者的省思。本研究有下列幾項主要發現: 一 國中人權教育最適合從基礎紮根,在九年一貫社會學習領域一年級課程中進行融入。 二 課程規劃宜以學生為中心,顧及學生的需求,重視學生的生活經驗,並從實踐中體驗人權的意義,將課程導向省思與實踐。 三 人權教育課程設計在國中階段適合以融入式的方式推廣實踐,將人權教育課程,融入現有社會學習領域課程教材中。 四 在學校的教學歷程當中,實施人權教育所遭遇到的困難主要有研究者個人、教師同儕、學生、學校行政與時間等問題。 五 人權教育實施困境必須藉助於教師、學校、教育主管機關三方面攜手合作,才能解決。 六 人權教育教學實施後對學生的影響有班級常規的改善、尊重包容與關懷別人以及師生關係的改善等。 七 學生對人權教育課程大多有正向的回饋,表示非常喜歡這類課程,尤其是活動式課程,也願意將課堂所學的觀念落實在實際生活中。 最後根據研究結果,本研究對學校行政單位、教育主管機關、將來從事人權教育教學的教師以及後續相關研究提出具體的參考建議。
The purpose of this study was to realize the fact and also difficulty and challenge of human right education into Junior High school social learning areas through practical teaching process. It also advance analyses how those students to understand human right and also the conversion of attitude and behaviors during human right learning process, meanwhile to investigate the growth of students and teacher during learning process. The result of study was expected to help the administration understand the current status of teacher and raise the effect of human right learning. In order to tackle the above purposes of research, the researcher used the method of case study. However, the researcher is the teacher in this case, in other words that investigator is participant. Through the class activity, base on researcher’s case then precede the investigation of “fully participate”. After collected, arranged, and analyzed those reference documents, base on the content of Grade1-9 curriculum, teaching goal of human right subject, cognitive achievement of students to design the teaching units and implement into the real teaching scenario. Meanwhile, use “ citations analysis”, “ Investigation”, “ Interview” and “the means of triangulation” to collect and analyze those data. Those activities’ feedback concluded that action research is beneficial to the researcher’s professional development. There are six chapters in this research report. The first chapter is the introduction. The second chapter is the literature review. The third chapter is the research design and realization. The fourth chapter is the course development and teaching journal. The fifth chapter is the results analysis and discussion. The last chapter is the conclusions, suggestions and self-examination of researcher. The research results show: 1. It is the best time to implement the foundation of Human right from 1 grad of 1-9 grade curriculum. 2. The course was designed to take students as core, and care student’s demand, value student’s life experience. Student can realize the meaning of human right through practice. Then research can turn the class into self-examination and reality. 3. The course design is using infusing teaching to implement human right into current materials of social learning. 4. During the teaching journal, to implement the human right education will encounter some difficulties. Such as researcher, colleague of teacher, students, administration of school, and time. 5. To resolve the difficulty of Human right education implementation, teachers, school and a superintendent of Education organization need to cooperation. 6. The effects of Human right education implementation are : Improve the order in the class, respect and care others, and improve the relationship between teachers and students. 7. Most of students have positive feedback of Human right education, and also enjoy this class especially in activity. They will like to put what they learn from the class into practice. According to the results, the research brings up suggestions specifically for school, educational administration, Human right education teachers and future research.



人權教育, 九年一貫課程, 個案研究, human right education, grade 1-9 curriculum, case study





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