網路同步學習環境下人格特質對創造力 影響之研究

dc.contributorChao-Ya Suen_US
dc.contributor.authorWei-Chieh Changen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在探討網路同步學習環境下,人格特質對學生創造力的影響。研究目的分為以下五個: 一、探討在網路同步學習環境下,如何實施創造力教學。 二、探討以網路同步學習的方式實施創造力教學之優缺點。 三、探討學生對於網路同步學習方式的接受程度。 四、探討在網路同步學習環境下,是否可以提升學生之創造力。 五、探討哪些人格特質的學生較適合使用網路同步學習的方式進行創造力的教學。 本研究採用文獻分析法、訪問調查法、觀察研究法、問卷調查法與準實驗研究法來進行研究,以國立台灣師範大學大學部三年級的學生為研究對象,有效的研究對象共26人。研究工具包含Mini-Marker五大人格量表、問題解決創造力測驗、綜合座談大綱、同步學習使用意見問卷、教學觀察檢核表、以及創意思考教學活動。 根據分析結果,本研究得到下列結論: 一、教師授課前應先研擬教學過程中可能發生的情況與解決的方式,且利用同步學習平台的各項功能,讓課程進行得更為順利。 二、網路同步學習包含的優點如下: (一)環境上,學生可選擇較舒服的環境,利於創造力的發揮。 (二)資訊上,教師與學生有更多的方法呈現教材與其創意。 (三)教學與學習上,網路同步學習平台可以幫教師記錄學生的各方面的資料,也可以保存上課中學生透過電子白板互動或討論的過程,有利於日後的分析與檢討。 網路同步學習包含的缺點如下: (一)環境上,教師與學生或同儕間較難以進行情感方面的交流。 (二)資訊上,初期可能需要投入一筆建置成來購買相關的設備。 (三)教學與學習上,教師需花額外的時間與心力把教材數位化。 三、從問卷與課堂觀察記錄來看,有八成以上的學生覺得此一教學方式有效,且滿意此一教學方式。 四、經由前後測分數比較,學生後測成績比起前測成績有顯著的進步,說明在網路同步學習的環境下,可以提昇學生的創造力。 五、從學生的主動發言次數與前後測進步分數與人數比例來看,以 「新知接受型」以及「外向型」的學生最適合透過網路進行創造力的學習。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe aims of the research are as follows: 1. Discuss how to deliver the creativity teaching model on e-learning situation. 2. Discuss the advantage and disadvantages of the creativity teaching model on e-learning situation. 3. Discuss the acceptability of the students of the creativity teaching model on e-learning situation. 4. Discuss is that correct that we can raise students’ creativity from the creativity teaching model on e-learning situation. 5. Discuss what kinds personalities for students is better for them to accept the class design and learn more efficiently on the creativity teaching model on e-learning situation. The study is formed by documentary analysis, interview survey, observation research, and questionnaire survey. The participants are the junior students from Nation Taiwan Normal University, and the effective research objects are twenty six. The tools for the study includes Mini-Markers, Problem-Solving-based Creativity Test, the outline of discussion, the questionnaire of Synchronous E-learning, the checklist of observation, and the design of creativity teaching. The conclusions from the study are as follows: 1. Teachers need to prepare the essential software for the students before the class and draft some situations some situations in the class and think how to solve the problems. 2. The advantages of Synchronous E-learning: A. For the environmental factor, the students can choose the more comfortable or relaxing environment. B. In the perspective of information technology, the teachers and the students can show the materials more diversely. C. In the perspective of teaching and learning, EPC on the net can help the students record the rate of participation, it benefit the analysis and review in the future. The disadvantages of Synchronous E-learning: A. For the environmental factor, it’s harder for the students to convey emotion. B. In the perspective of information technology, in the beginning of the project, it needs money to set up the learning platform. C. In the perspective of teaching and learning, the teachers need spend additional time and consideration for digitalize the material. 3. From the data from the questionnaire and classroom observation, there are more than eighty percentages of the students think they can learn more effectively and more interestingly than the traditional classroom 4. From the data Problem-Solving-based Creativity Test pre-test and pro test, student’s grades improve significantly. It shows that students can raise their creativity using e-learning. 5. From the layer of interaction and the correction of the question, the students in the type of Extraversion and type of Openness are better. Thus the researcher infers that the students in these two types are more suitable for this kind of learning. Keywords: Synchronous E-learning, Personality, Creativity, Creativity teaching, Technology Acceptance Modelen_US
dc.subjectSynchronous E-learningen_US
dc.subjectCreativity teachingen_US
dc.subjectTechnology Acceptance Modelen_US
dc.title網路同步學習環境下人格特質對創造力 影響之研究zh_TW
dc.titleThe effect of personality on creative ability when Synchronous E-learning occursen_US


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