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智慧財產權涉及龐大的經濟利益,是商場上的利器,爭訟事件層出不窮,向為各方所矚目。在所有的智慧財產權法中,與一般人日常生活關係最密切的法律,就是著作權法;保護範圍最廣,且處罰最為嚴格的法律,也是著作權法。然而,隨著網路及重製科技進步,著作權影響的層面,已不僅限於出版業者、著作人等人士,每個人都可能成為創作者,亦可能變成為重製他人著作之侵權者。從2001年成大發生的「MP3 事件」,到在部落格上提供音樂,不只各年齡層的民眾缺乏尊重他人著作權的觀念,連最常接觸學術著作的大學生,對著作權的相關法令往往也一知半解,以致誤觸法網而不自覺。 研究者為探究大學生著作權認知及態度與著作權侵權之相關性,透過「文獻分析法」及「個別訪談法」,首先就著作權基本概念、著作合理使用與認知心理發展等文獻加以整理分析,作為本研究之理論基礎。其次,研究者使用質性研究之「個別訪談法」,針對大學生對著作權認知及態度作深入訪談,訪談內容分為「著作權相關概念」、「著作權認知及態度」、「侵權行為與合理使用」、「政府著作權宣導及其評價」四個層面加以探討,希望透過深入的探討與研究,建立完整之論述。 經過深入訪談分析,研究者之主要發現如下: 一、受訪學生對著作權的認知普遍認為並不清楚,顯示大學生之法治觀念淡 薄,法治教育仍有待加強。 二、受訪同學對著作權之態度受社會氣氛之影響,並不認為侵犯著作權是嚴重   的違法行為。 三、受訪學生大致肯定著作權保護之觀念,認知上傾向認同政府推行之各項保   護措施,但對正版軟體及書籍價位太貴,態度上表示較不能接受。 四、受訪學生對著作權的侵權行為,雖然具有「此即犯罪」之認知,但是態度   上有貪圖方便與省錢之心態,及「不一定抓得到我」的僥倖心理,因此仍   會進行非法之網路下載行為。 五、受訪同學有無從事教科書之影印,因科系要求不同而有個別差異。 六、受訪同學從事音樂下載,部分原因是絕版唱片市面無販售,須以網路下載   方能取得。 七、受訪同學認為違反著作權被記過處罰太重,希望學校能先告知,針對累犯   者再做處分。 八、受訪學生對於政府著作權宣導方面,普遍認為政府及學校在著作權宣導   上,管道雖已較過去多元,但在主動性及出現頻率上,仍有不足之處。 研究者根據本論文之研究發現,提出以下結論: ㄧ、大學生對著作權之認知仍需加強。 二、大學生不重視著作權觀念,係受社會氣氛影響。 三、大學生之著作權侵權,主因為貪圖方便與省錢。 四、受訪者認為政府宣導效果仍有不足之處。  研究者根據研究發現與結論,提出以下建議: 壹、在學校方面: 一、大學智財權宣導單位應加強學生之法治教育,並應充分利用網際網路、   bbs等媒體主動告知學生相關法律常識,已提升大學生之著作權認知。 二、建議主管單位加強網路著作權之宣導,運用電視等傳媒廣為宣傳,以收成   效。 三、對學生之著作權侵權行為,建議增加口頭告知之程序,以免同學產生反向   情緒。 四、在教科書影印之侵權行為上,建議學校應開放二手書之交換平台,並積極   與國內外書商洽談,以團購等方式降低購書成本,以提高學生購買正版圖  書之意願。 貳、在政府主管機關方面: 一、建議著作權業管單位至各大專院校舉辦巡迴演講,針對學校老師加開研習   課程,並鼓勵學生參與研習,讓著作權觀念在校園生根發芽。 二、學生對於正版軟體或音樂影片之售價偏高一事感到失望,也影響其守法意   願。建議政府與業者溝通,提供更優惠價格給學校師生,以降低侵權之機   率。 三、針對學生之著作權侵權行為,建議政府於宣導時,加強提醒有關違反著作   權法之罰則,以建立大學生良好之守法觀念。 四、建議政府與業者,共商網路音樂及影片合法付費之下載機制,以製造消費   者與業者互蒙其利之雙贏局面。 關鍵字:大學生、著作權、認知、態度、合理使用、侵權行為。
The wisdom property rights involve the huge economic interest, is in the market sharp weapon, the prosecution event emerges one after another incessantly, to focuses attention on for all quarters.In all wisdom property rights law, relates the closest law with the average person daily life, is the copyright law. The extent of protection is broadest, also punishes the strictest law, also is the copyright law. However, along with the network and the replot advance in technology, the photogravure press, the video cassette recorder, the computer, MP3 enhance our convience at home , the copyright influence not only has been restricted in publishes public figures and so on entrepreneur, author, each people all possibly become the creator, also possibly changes into right infringement and replot other people work, but violates the copyright law. To prevent student smattered to the copyright law so often ,the researcher relevance of for the inquisition medicine university student copyright cognition and the manner and the copyright infringement, the penetration “the literature analytic method” and “the individual interview law”, first on literature and so on copyright basic concept, use the cognition psychology development to reorganizes the result of analysis. Hoping the penetration thorough discussion and the research, establishes elaboration the integrity. After the thorough interview analysis, the researcher the main discovery is as follows: First, the copyright cognition of the visited students are generally not clear, the idea of law seems light, the government should struggle for the enhancemen of law education. Second, the social astomophere of the copyright influence the idea of college syudents , becouse of not think infringement copyright as serious illegal activity. Third, the students to affirm approximately idea of the copyright protection, the cognition up to approval government seems not so clear in each protective measures. Fourth, although the students has “this is the crime” the cognition to the copyright abuse , but the main manners are “seeking convenience” and “to save money” still firm. The researcher proposes following conclusion according to the research discovery: First, the university student still had to strengthen to cognition of the copyright. Second, the university student does not take the copyright idea, is the social atmosphere influence. Third, of copyright infringement the university student, the principal factor for seeks after the convenience with to economize. Fourth, the participant thought government's guidance effect still had the deficiency. The following acts according to the research discovery and the conclusion, proposed individual the suggestion is as follows: First, the university wisdom property rights guidance unit should strengthen government by law of education the student, and should fully using media and so on Internet, bbs on own initiative inform the student related law general knowledge to promote copyright of cognition the university students.. Second, to enhance the copyright infringement behavior the student, before the punishment, government should increase procedure of the oral impartation to avoid the reverse mood strictly to public. Thid, to avoid the abuse of authority, the authority of college should build the “exchange platform”to the domestic and foreign bookmen to reduce the books costs, enhances the wishes of student to purchase books. In government controlling organization aspect: First, conducts the copyright industry tube unit to various universities, colleges and institutes, puts on additional the thorough study curriculum in view of school teacher, and encourages the student to participate in the thorough study. Second, the student feels disappointed regarding the legal copy software or the music movie selling price of high incident, also affects it to obey the law .The government and the entrepreneur should discuss together mechanism of the network music, the movie of legitimate payment downloading to makes the consumer and the entrepreneur hoodwinks their advantage mutually. Keywords: university students, copyright, fair Use, abuse of authority, cognition, attitude



醫學大學學生, 著作權, 認知, 態度, 侵權行為, 合理使用, medicine university student, copyright, cognition, attitude, abuse of authority, fair use





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