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本研究報告之要旨在於探討珠寶與書畫藝術品的結合創意行銷之可行性,研究內容採用文獻考證、創新策略、個案訪問等方法;並有系統的整理如下三項綱要:一、中華書畫藝術的起源與發展。二、書畫藝術品商業化的演變進程。三、中華海峽兩岸佛教藝術文化交流的概要,論述其逐漸衍生出的商機,且依序陳述綜合分析完成此份報告內容。 報告由緒論等五個章節組成: 第一章緒論簡述筆者在媒體的工作資歷和2008年因共同捐贈給南京棲霞佛學院大講堂冷氣設備及南京棲霞寺毗盧寶殿1800尊佛像的緣故,機緣巧合無意中籌辦了首屆兩岸佛教文化藝術交流展,竟意外地衍生出商業契機。概要說明本項報告的研究動機、研究目的、研究思略等。 第二章文章探討陳述:一、中國佛教藝術的源流與發展的脈絡。二、佛教藝術對中國書畫藝術發展的影響。三、書畫藝術品的交易及投資藝術品增值的基本知識。四、策展行銷與藝術的流變。五、整合行銷的商業運轉模式。六、筆者自2010年來多次參與籌辦中華海峽兩岸佛教文化藝術交流展,及如何善用媒體宣傳造勢,圓滿達成兩岸佛教書畫藝術交流的紀要。 第三章研究方法,主述本文研究的方法。本章探討為突破經營困境,筆者如何在逆境中利用書畫藝術品與珠寶商品的結合模式,組合成為以投資為主、實用為輔的創意行銷策略之個案研究及解決方法。 第四章,個案分析與實務作法。 第五章結論,總結此次研究的成果及心得和建議事項。
The main purpose of this research report is to investigate the feasibility of creatively combine jewelry and calligraphy/painting artworks in marketing. This research adopts methods including literature review, innovative strategies and case studies, and describes systematically the following three main points: First, the origin and development of the Chinese calligraphy/painting art. Second, the changes and progress of the commercialization of calligraphy/painting art. Third, a summary of Buddhist art and cultural exchanges across the Taiwan Strait. The arose creative business opportunities are reviewed. This report ends with a sequential description and comprehensive analysis. The report consists of five chapters including the Introduction: The first chapter “Introduction”, briefly describes the author's work experience in the media as well as the occasion in 2008, when he co-donated air conditioners in the lecture hall of Nanjing Qixia Buddhist College and 1800 Buddha statues in the Pilu Hall of Nanjing Qixia Temple. By chance, the first cross-Strait Buddhist cultural and art exchange exhibition was thereby organized, and unexpectedly generated an business opportunity. The introduction describes the research motivation of this report, purpose, ideas and strategies. The second chapter ”Literature Discussions” summarizes: First, the origin and development of Chinese Buddhist art. Second, the influence of Buddhist art to Chinese calligraphy/painting art development. Third, trading of painting/calligraphy artworks, and basic knowledge in artworks investment for capital growth. Fourth, exhibition planning, marketing and changes in arts. Fifth, the business model of combined marketing. Sixth, the author’s multiple participations since 2010 in organizing cross-Strait Buddhist cultural and art exchange exhibitions, and how to make use of media promotion to successfully achieve the purpose of such exchanges. The third chapter “Research Methods“, mainly describes the methods adopted by this research report. This chapter investigates how the author came up with a creative concept in adversity to overcome the difficult business time - by combining calligraphy/painting artworks and jewelry products, to create a creative marketing strategy, mainly as an investment, which is also practical. A case study and the solutions were described. The fourth chapter “A case study and practical operations“. The fifth chapter “Conclusions”, summarizes the research results, experiences, and suggestions.



創意行銷, 藝術品增值, 棲霞佛學院, 佛教藝術, 平台革命, creative marketing, value addition of artworks, qixia buddhist college, buddhist art, platform revolution

