
dc.contributorSu, Yu-Shanen_US
dc.contributor.authorChen, Yu-Hsuanen_US
dc.description.abstract金融科技的本質是金融服務,只是運用越來越多新的科技提供新型態的服務,在台灣因金融法規限制,新型態的金融服務目前尚只是數位化的綜合應用,也早已是許多金融業的現在進行式。近年所謂金融新服務大部分都受惠於科技的進步才有實現的可能,如移動化與網路化即是許多新服務的推手,除了科技的應用,也要仰賴應用的場景及可行的商業模式,才有實質意義,最重要的更是金融服務的使用者接受度。在台灣,金融環境已有相對完備的監管制度與金融業努力發展新型態服務及金融科技投資,但在非銀行類金融產業中,因欠缺公部門之資源,主管機關為經濟部,除產業發展之灰色地帶,並同時與金融業受限相同金融規範,加之以交易模式之不同,故本研究從傳統融資租賃的在近年金融科技蓬勃發展下須因應市場變化改變業務流程模式、或科技之應用,以及線下業務流程如何轉化數位應用之策略進行探討。本研究問卷發放利用多層次決策分析法(Hierarchical Decision Modeling),評估金融科技對融資租賃業數位化應用探討架構,由問卷結果得知五大構面中以服務創新為優先權重,接續為顧客體驗、營運優化、科技應用及系統整合;準則之優先權重分述如下:一、顧客體驗構面下為提升滿意度;二、服務創新構面下為數位化流程;三、營運優化構面下為降低營運成本;四、科技應用構面下為機器人流程自動化;五、系統整合構面下為系統安全性。本研究結果可作為融資租賃業者或金融科技公司研擬未來金融數位化產品應用策略提供方向。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe essence of financial technology is financial services. It just uses more and more new technologies to provide new types of services. New types of financial services are applications of digitalization. Digitalization has long been an ongoing and new service in many financial industries. Most of them are possible because of the advancement of technology, and mobility and networking are the driving forces of many new services. In addition to the application of technology, it also depends on the application scenarios and feasible business models, but the most important thing is the users of financial services. In the past, service innovation was not taken seriously in the financial leasing industry, and this situation has been the rise of financial technology in recent years. Later, there was a different development. Taiwan’s financial environment has a relatively complete regulatory system and the financial industry is striving to develop new services and financial technology investments. However, in the non-bank financial industry, due to the lack of public sector resources, the competent authority is the Ministry of Economic Affairs, except for industrial development. The gray area is the same as that of the financial industry, and the financial regulations are the same as the financial industry. In addition, the transaction mode is different. Therefore, this research has to change the business process model, or the application of technology and offline due to the booming financial technology in recent years Discuss the strategy of how to transform the business process into digital applications.The questionnaire of this research uses Hierarchical Decision Modeling to evaluate the structure of the digital application of financial technology in the financial leasing industry. The results of the questionnaire show that service innovation is the priority among the five dimensions, followed by customer experience, Operation optimization, technology application and system integration; the priority of the criteria is described as follows: 1. Customer experience is to improve satisfaction; 2. Service innovation is to digitize processes; 3. Operation optimization is to reduce Operating cost; Fourth, under the aspect of technology application, it is robotic process automation; under the aspect of system integration, it is system security. The results of this research can be used as a direction for financial leasing companies or financial technology companies to develop future financial digital product application strategies.en_US
dc.subjectCustomer Experienceen_US
dc.subjectDigital Transformationen_US
dc.subjectService Innovationen_US
dc.subjectFinancial Technologyen_US
dc.titleDiscussion on the Digital Application of Financial Technology to the Financial Leasing Industryen_US

