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This study aims to explore the business value and market demand of sourdough bread and propose innovative business models. With the increasing focus on healthy eating, natural and healthy food products play an important role in the market, and sourdough bread, as a naturally fermented bread, is gaining more attention from consumers. However, the production process of sourdough bread is relatively complex and requires more time and expertise, which poses challenges for production and sales.This study employs three methods to understand the business value and market demand of sourdough bread: literature review, consumer market survey, and case analysis. The literature review provides information on relevant research and market trends related to sourdough bread. Consumer market surveys utilize questionnaires and analysis to understand consumer demand, preferences, and evaluations of sourdough bread. Case analysis examines successful sourdough bread cases to understand their business models, brand development, and marketing strategies. These methods provide comprehensive and in-depth insights and serve as a basis for innovative business models.The market potential and competitive environment of sourdough bread are the main focuses of this study. Through market surveys and analysis of consumer demand, the uniqueness and advantages of sourdough bread can be understood, helping bread producers and businesses better grasp consumer needs and optimize product innovation and management strategies. At the same time, case analysis provides insights from successful sourdough bread cases, serving as references for the formulation of innovative business models.This study also provides specific recommendations, including product optimization, quality control, and management measures. By evaluating the quality and taste of sourdough bread from a consumer perspective, suggestions for product optimization and quality control can be proposed to enhance the quality and taste of the product and improve market competitiveness. Additionally, this study conducts research and analysis on the challenges and issues faced by the sourdough bread industry, and offers corresponding management measures and strategies to help bread producers and businesses overcome difficulties and enhance operational performance.



酸種麵包, 商業模式, 健康飲食, 競爭力, 訂閱制, 自動化生產, 品牌再造, sourdough bread, business model, healthy eating, competitiveness, subscription-based, automated production, brand revitalization

